In Which Finds-The-Way Does Favors for the Jarl of Markarth
In which Finds-The-Way returns some aged flin to the merchant Ri'saad; recovers a third aetherium shard at Deep Folk Crossing; kills a Forsworn leader at Deepwood Redoubt for the Jarl of Markarth; recovers the Jarl's father's lost shield from Dead Crone Rock; begins a special job in Whiterun for Olfrid Battle-Born to get his support for the Thieves Guild.
In Which Kendeshel Explores the Ruins of Winterhold
In which Kendeshel delves into the old ruins of Winterhold and uncovers secrets about the Great Collapse; slays the dragon Kahvozein and the dragon priest Beinaarkh; wipes out the Seducers bandits near Forsaken Cave; and slays the dragon Viinturuth.
In Which Finds-The-Way Escapes from Cidhna Mine
In which Finds-The-Way recovers a sword called Bloodthirst; assembles the items to restore the White Phial; recovers some lost flin for Ri'saad; thwarts a conspiracy in Markarth and escapes from Cidhna Mine; and quests into Arkngthamz, where she meets the ghost of a dead adventurer and helps her begin to restore her claim to her life's work.
In Which the Dragonborns Fight Thalmor and Rescue Esbern
In which the Dragonborns raid the Thalmor embassy, with very messy results, but get the information they rampaged in there for; and in which they rescue Esbern from the Ratway in Riften, and escort him back to Riverwood to rendezvous with Delphine.
In Which Finds-The-Way Quests for the Guild, the Fishery, and the Brotherhood
In which Finds-The-Way acquires the Gray Cowl of Nocturnal; continues thieving for the Thieves Guild; joins the Dark Brotherhood and carries out her first few contracts; slays a threatening horker near Windhelm; investigates Faldar's Tooth and Yngvild; recovers the Helm of Winterhold, and becomes thane of Winterhold; and takes control of Bloodchill Manor.
In Which Finds-The-Way Finally Finds the Dark Brotherhood
In which Finds-The-Way learns how to find an Elder Scroll from a mad mage; slays a wave of frenzied mudcrabs in Dawnstar; is kidnapped by the Dark Brotherhood, and then invited to join them; recovers a lost clan sword from Silverdrift Lair; slays a treacherous Argonian in Ironbind Barrow; and takes out the Summerset Shadows to win access for the Thieves Guild in Windhelm.
In Which Finds-The-Way Slays a Thalmor Assassin and a Cruel Headmistress
In which Finds-The-Way meets the master of the Greybeards, and is advised on how to learn a Shout to defeat Alduin; finds a Word of Power in Volunruud; acquires some unusual weaponry; slays a Thalmor assassin in, a mad smith, and a cruel headmistress; and acquires dragonplate armor after hunting down a Forsworn renegade at Arcwind Point.
In Which Elessir Opens an Oblivion Gate and Joins the Dawnguard
In which Elessir vanquishes a Mythic Dawn cult, but with unexpected results; acquires the Gray Cowl of Nocturnal, and the sword Bloodthirst; commits some light thievery for the Thieves Guild; and goes to Dayspring Canyon to join the Dawnguard.
In Which Kendeshel Becomes Thane of Eastmarch and Haafingar, and Goes to Wyrmstooth
In which Kendeshel finishes excavating Windcaller Pass with her Explorers Society team; slays a Thalmor assassin; solves a string of murders in Windhelm; buys Hjerim and becomes thane of Eastmarch; destroys the spirit of Potema; buys Proudspire Manor and becomes thane of Haafingar; retrieves the White Phial from Forsaken Cave; and journeys to Wyrmstooth to help the East Empire Company with a serious dragon problem. Contains major spoilers for Legacy of the Dragonborn, and also Wyrmstooth. Read with caution if you're not familiar with these mods!
In Which Finds-The-Way Slays Mercer Frey and Adopts Some Daughters
In which Finds-The-Way slays a dragon near Battle-Born Farm, and a giant at Tumble Arch Pass; confronts and slays Mercer Frey in Irkngthand; returns the Skeleton Key to the Twilight Sepulcher; adopts Lucia and Sofie as her new daughters; acquires the sword Dawnfang and Duskfang, and the Ring of Masser; and slays the bandit Tyra Blood-Fire.