In Which Ysani Gains Windhelm for the Thieves Guild
In which Ysani slays a giant for a Falkreath bounty; recovers an amulet for Kharjo the Khajiit; raids the hideout of the Summerset Shadows to recover an amulet for Torsten Cruel-Sea, and gains his assistance in opening Windhelm to the Guild; and in which she recovers a lost silver mold for Endon of Markarth.
In Which Ysani Becomes Thane of the Pale and Winterhold
In which Ysani gains thaneships in both the Pale and Winterhold, by aiding the citizens of the Pale, and retrieving the Helm of Winterhold for Jarl Korir; and in which she does initial building at Heljarchen Hall.
In Which Ysani Adopts a Child and Acquires Azura’s Star
In which Ysani adopts young Lucia in Whiterun; in which she slays the dragon priest Vokun at Valthume; and in which she becomes the champion of Azura and restores Azura's Star.
In Which Ysani Slays a Necromancer, Then Slays Mercer Frey
In which Ysani slays the necromancer Arondil at Yngvild; in which she commits thievery in Windhelm; and in which she, along with fellow Nightingales Karliah and Brynjolf, slays Mercer Frey at Irkngthand.
In Which Ysani Journeys Northward
In which Ysani journeys from Lakeview through Whiterun, Riften, and Windhelm, and northward towards Yngvild; and in which she slays a dragon and other assorted hostile creatures.
In Which Ysani Discovers the Guildmaster’s Treachery
In which Ysani is nearly killed by Mercer Frey at Snow Veil Sanctum, and learns from Karliah that he is the true source of the Thieves Guild's misfortunes; in which she learns from Enthir where to translate Gallus' coded journal; and in which she is attacked by thugs at the College of Winterhold.
In Which Ysani Does Assorted Side Quests
In which Ysani acquires the final fragment of the Gauldur amulet; in which she also acquires the White Phial, but finds that it is cracked; and in which she slays a dragon at Northwind Summit to satisfy a bounty in Riften.
In Which Ysani is Recognized as the Dragonborn
In which Ysani learns from the Augur of Dunlain that she must seek the Staff of Magnus; in which she fights the dragon at Bonestrewn Crest; in which she learns who took the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller, and slays the dragon Sahloknir; and in which she joins the Bards College and retrieves King Olaf's verse from Dead Men's Respite.
In Which Delga Defeats the First Dragonborn
In which Delga confronts and defeats Miraak at the Summit of Apocrypha, and saves the island of Solstheim; and in which she returns to the Skyrim mainland with her housecarl Iona.
In Which Delga Battles the Dragon Priest of Kolbjorn Barrow
In which Delga defeats the dragon priest Ahzidal at Kolbjorn Barrow; and in which she visits Windhelm, the Collage of Winterhold, and Riften before bringing her housecarl Iona with her back to Solstheim.