In Which Merawen Battles Pirates and Explores the Land
In which Merawen aids the East Empire Company in Windhelm with a pirate problem, and explores an abandoned prison and a troll-infested cavern.
In Which Merawen Has a Way Livelier Night Than Anticipated
In which Merawen builds, crafts, and enchants all the things--and then has an unexpectedly VERY lively night after agreeing to have a few drinks with a guy in Windhelm.
In Which Merawen Becomes Thane of Hjaalmarch and Also Defeats Miraak
In which Merawen becomes thane of Hjaalmarch after uncovering a vampire plot in Morthal; and in which she finally slays Miraak and ends his threat to Solstheim.
In Which Merawen Tells Sapphire About Her Father, and Slays a Dragon in Solitude
In which Merawen brings Glover Mallory's letter to his daughter in the Thieves Guild--and later, fights and slays a Revered Dragon right in the heart of Solitude.
In Which Merawen Clears Benkongerike and Slays the Dragon Viinturuth
In which Merawen plumbs the depths of Benkongerike, and finds a Word Wall and the Untold Legends Black Book; and in which she slays the dragon Viinturuth, shortly after Alduin resurrects him.
In Which Merawen Does Circuits Around Solstheim
In which Merawen and Jenassa venture all over Solstheim in search of stalhrim, Deathbrand armor, and whatever other adventures cross their paths.
In Which Merawen and Jenassa Go to Solstheim
In which Merawen and Jenassa arrive in Solstheim; recover Glover Mallory's Ancient Nord Pickaxe; discover the fate of a lost miner and the ancient artifact he found; and witness more of the creepy influence of a shrine on the townsfolk.
In Which Merawen Quests All Over Skyrim for the Dawnguard
In which Merawen hunts vampires, rescues kidnapped friends, and seeks lost ancient Dawnguard artifacts, from one end of Skyrim to the other.
In Which Merawen Marries Jenassa, Adopts Children, and Quests for the Dawnguard
In which Merawen marries the mercenary Jenassa; adopts Runa from the Honorhall Orphanage, and Sofie from the streets of Windhelm; recovers another crossbow bolt schematic for Sorine; and clears a vampire lair on the orders of Gunmar.
In Which Merawen Saves a Priest of Arkay and Returns to Solstheim
In which Merawen rescues Florentius, a priest of Arkay, from the clutches of a sorceress who'd taken over the Ruunvald excavation; journeys to Solstheim again to find another schematic for Sorine; and discovers something deeply creepy is happening on that island.