In Which Merawen Has a Very Eventful Session
In which Merawen slays two more dragons and multiple bandits; helps a young adventurer and her Argonian friend clear a barrow, only to discover the friend has less than noble intentions; recovers a lost shield; and finally nabs the item for which Vex sent her to Solitude.
In Which Merawen Becomes a Thief
In which Merawen becomes a full member of the Thieves Guild, and sets out to take on her first real job; in which she faces bandits, wolves, and spiders on the road; and in which she sees direct evidence of anti-Dunmer prejudice in Windhelm.
In Which the Dragonborn Scours the Land for Ingredients
In which the Dragonborn hunts all over the land for ingredients for Ingun Black-Briar in Riften, and in which she also begins the hunt for a crossbow schematic for Sorine of the Dawnguard. With bonus additional commentary about having a horse in Skyrim!
In Which the Dragonborn Buys a Horse
In which the Dragonborn buys her first horse, and then uses it to travel to all the holds she’s thane of, as well as carrying out duties for both the College of Winterhold and the Dawnguard.
In Which the Dragonborn Adopts a Child
In which the Dragonborn adopts the little beggar girl Lucia, and also, oh yeah, convinces Ulfric and Tullius that they should maybe call a cease-fire as long as the dragons are a Problem.
In Which the Dragonborn Hunts for an Elder Scroll
In which the Dragonborn goes questing for an Elder Scroll, which leads her to talk to a mad mage, explore yet another large Dwemer ruin, and plumb the mysterious depths of Blackreach.
In Which the Dragonborn Destroys the Dark Brotherhood
In which the Dragonborn hunts down the sword of Red Eagle; and in which she helps orphans of Riften by taking out their abusive caretaker, but in the process, comes to the attention of the Dark Brotherhood, for whom this does not go well.
In Which the Dragonborn Quests to Repair the White Phial
In which the Dragonborn quests for ingredients to repair the White Phial; in which she kills two dragons, one of which was Nahagliiv; and in which she amuses herself with Zelda easter egg gear!
In Which the Dragonborn Catches a Murderer
In which the Dragonborn catches a serial killer in Windhelm, acquires a particularly tastily enchanted weapon, and may finally have exercised the ghost of the dragon Carl!
In Which the Dragonborn is On the Road
In which the Dragonborn goes hunting for items for Riften’s wizard, a new Word Wall, a fabled White Phial, and the beginnings of clues about why young women are being killed in Windhelm. And also kills her first Ancient Dragon.