Alarrah Playthrough

Further adventures in learning the Switch

The Twitter thread from April 22, 2021, in which I lamented that boy howdy was I not good at the game controls yet. I derped my way into Riverwood, but completely missed the Guardian Stones! Because I’d totally failed to realize that I was supposed to follow either Hadvar or Ralof out of Helgen to get to safety after Alduin’s attack.

Further adventures in learning the Switch: poked around some more with Skyrim last night. Note: this is the first time I’ve tried to play a first person game AT ALL so boy howdy do I need to practice the controls. 😳 I am NOT good at them. But at least I made it to Riverwood!

10:13 AM · Apr 22, 2021
And apparently I completely missed the Guardian Stones? I gotta swing back and do those. But also take a lot of time wandering around Riverwood, practicing the controls, and learning WTF I’m doing before I try to go to Whiterun. This will be a challenge. Fun, but a challenge!

10:14 AM · Apr 22, 2021


  1. This post was written on 3/13/2022, but backdated to the time of the tweet thread for organizational purposes.
  2. Post edited on 12/26/2022 to reconstruct the Twitter thread here, and remove the actual links off to Twitter.

As Angela Highland, Angela is the writer of the Rebels of Adalonia epic fantasy series with Carina Press. As Angela Korra'ti, she writes the Free Court of Seattle urban fantasy series. She's also an amateur musician and devoted fan of Newfoundland and Quebecois traditional music.