Further adventures in learning the Switch
The Twitter thread from April 22, 2021, in which I lamented that boy howdy was I not good at the game controls yet. I derped my way into Riverwood, but completely missed the Guardian Stones! Because I’d totally failed to realize that I was supposed to follow either Hadvar or Ralof out of Helgen to get to safety after Alduin’s attack.
Further adventures in learning the Switch: poked around some more with Skyrim last night. Note: this is the first time I’ve tried to play a first person game AT ALL so boy howdy do I need to practice the controls. 😳 I am NOT good at them. But at least I made it to Riverwood!
10:13 AM · Apr 22, 2021
And apparently I completely missed the Guardian Stones? I gotta swing back and do those. But also take a lot of time wandering around Riverwood, practicing the controls, and learning WTF I’m doing before I try to go to Whiterun. This will be a challenge. Fun, but a challenge!
10:14 AM · Apr 22, 2021
- This post was written on 3/13/2022, but backdated to the time of the tweet thread for organizational purposes.
- Post edited on 12/26/2022 to reconstruct the Twitter thread here, and remove the actual links off to Twitter.