Next round of Skyrim catchup
Twitter thread from 5/9/2021, in which Alarrah does a lot of smithing and crafting and selling, and then sets out in search of the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller.
Next round of Skyrim catchup since I did play a bit more before I went to bed last night:
1:15 PM · May 9, 2021
1. Hung out at Warmaiden’s to make some stuff. I had enough leather on me to make three leather armors, which turned out to be better than the Imperial armor I was wearing. Gave one to Lydia, put one on myself, and sold the remaining one
1:15 PM · May 9, 2021
2. Also made a better helmet, and some boots
3. AND since I had silver and garnets on me, made my first ring
1:16 PM · May 9, 2021
4. Which I then enchanted. I had a couple of magical armor items on me, and Paul told me I could take those up to Dragonsreach to destroy them on the wizard’s enchanter table so I could learn their enchantments.
1:16 PM · May 9, 2021
And since I ALSO had some Petty Soul Gems on me, with actual Petty Souls in them, I was able to enchant the ring I made. Which will now give me a 1% boost in Alchemy making potions. Yay?
1:17 PM · May 9, 2021
5. While I was up at Dragonsreach, took the stewart the sword his daughter asked me to give him. Dude gave me 20 gold for the trouble. Gee thanks!
1:18 PM · May 9, 2021
6. Took a screencap of what the new armor looks like, and I do like that better than the last stuff I was wearing. Also took a screencap of Lydia from the back when I got a look at her greatsword and HOLY CRAP THAT THING IS AS TALL AS SHE IS
1:18 PM · May 9, 2021
7. Was surprised and pleased to learn from Paul that orcish weapons are actually better than what I was carrying on me. I’m used to the stereotype of orcish weaponry being shitty in Nethack, but not so here.
1:18 PM · May 9, 2021
So I nabbed an orcish bow at the Drunken Huntsman, and since I had an ingot of orichalcum on me that I’d found as loot, I also got to improve it
1:19 PM · May 9, 2021
8. Since I was also lugging around dragon bones and dragon scales that I’d gotten off killing the two dragons I’ve killed so far, Paul heartily advised me to get those sold and out of my inventory, because ZOMG HEAVY.
1:20 PM · May 9, 2021
Problem was, I kinda wiped out Belethor’s gold supply in the general store and nobody else in Whiterun would buy those from me. So at Paul’s suggestion I fast travelled to Riften and sold them there
1:20 PM · May 9, 2021
9. While in Riften, I triggered the opening hook for the Dawnguard DLC plotline, when some dude came up to me and was all “we’re recruiting for the Dawnguard to deal with the rising vampire menace!”
1:21 PM · May 9, 2021
Given that I had literally just finished clearing out a vampire nest, I was kinda not in the mood to deal with additional vampire-related plotlines–and also I’m PRETTY sure I’m not quite powerful enough to take on that plot yet, so I told him I wasn’t interested
1:21 PM · May 9, 2021
10. Some other dude named Maul made snarky commentary at me about watching my back on Riften’s streets, and dropped hints about Maven Black-briar.
1:21 PM · May 9, 2021
I played innocent because yeah not really ready to deal with Riften’s local thieves-related drama yet, even though Paul is a huge huge fan of the Thieves’ Guild and is urging me down that path, lol
1:22 PM · May 9, 2021
11. Really though I was mostly just in Riften to sell stuff, so I went to the shop Paul recommended and sold the dude my bits of dragon. Then fast travelled right back to Whiterun!
1:22 PM · May 9, 2021
Me: Lydia’s all “You dragged me all the way to Riften just for this?” “Yeah, and now I’m dragging you all the way back to Whiterun!”
Paul: “I’m the BEST BOSS. And if you’re REALLY good, I’ll let you go kill another bunch of draugr!”
Me: “Oh wait we’re doing that next!”
1:23 PM · May 9, 2021
12. Got the inventory back down to a much more manageable weight, and then fast travelled back to Morthal to get situated to go after the horn
1:23 PM · May 9, 2021
13. The locale for the horn turns out to not be that much farther northeast of the vampire nest we cleared out. Found the place after just a little bit of tromping across the marsh.
1:24 PM · May 9, 2021
Also found a bandit camp, and two bandits and a necromancer came charging at us yelling YOU’RE PATHETIC, for about five seconds before Lydia killed them
14. And at the entrance to the barrow, that seemed like a good place to stop and save
1:24 PM · May 9, 2021
Tune in next time for the recounting of how many draugr and how much loot we nab in the search for the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller!
1:24 PM · May 9, 2021
Editing to add
- This post was written on 3/16/2022, but backdated to the time of the tweet thread for organizational purposes.
- Post updated on 12/27/2022 to reconstruct the Twitter thread in full in this post, and remove all links to Twitter.
- 9/30/2024: Updated the HTML reconstructing the tweets to use a new CSS class I added under the hood, to make it easier to globally change the styling on posts that use this format.