In Which Elessir Destroys the Summerset Shadows
I have a couple more sessions of Elessir’s to get caught up on after this one, which was from the beginning of February. This is a super short post, featuring taking out the Summerset Shadows at Uttering Hills Cave, and taking out Nahagliiv in Rorikstead.
Play by play
- Play date: 2/1/2024
- Session number in this run: 46
- Picked up in Riften
- Boinged to Windhelm to deal with the Summerset Shadows
- Got into Windhelm late enough that I just did some waiting outside the Cruel-Sea house so I could talk to Torsten
- Got his pointer to go talk to Niranye
- Talked to her at her booth in the market and passed the Persuade check, so didn’t have to break into her house
- Then swung over to Uttering Hills Cave to run the place
- Killed an ice wolf and a snow bear and cultists on the way
- Didn’t bother with the slightest bit of stealth, what with having aggro Serana and a summoned Daedroth; wiped out the place 😉
- Burned the banner as you do
- Overloaded of course by the time I got out, in no small part because I could in fact loot all the Summerset Shadows for their gear
- So didn’t bother to go investigate probable Viinturuth flying around in the distance
- Returned to Windhelm to turn in the quest with Torsten, and also sold a bunch of loot to Oengul
- Invested in Oengul’s forge
- Then boinged back to Riften to turn in the special job, and got fresh jobs from Delvin and Vex for Markarth
- Sold a bunch of the Summerset Shadow armor I got from aforementioned looting, but kept one set for display purposes; don’t like it on Elessir as much as the brown Thieves Guild style
- Boinged next to Fort Dawnguard, just long enough to buy some dwarven bolts off of Sorine
- Then off to Markarth!
- Checked in with Calcelmo and sold him a Dwarven Bolt of Ice
- Also invested in his business, by which I suppose the game means “his dig”
- Ran the fishing lesson quest with Lynea
- Heard one of the smelter workers being overjoyed that I busted out of Cidhna Mine with the Forsworn
- Also heard Yngvar throw the “my friend died” line—interesting, presumably somebody who died during the Forsworn rampage?
- Then went over to say hi to the Jarl and kick off getting the thaneship
- He sent me off to Serpent’s Bluff Redoubt to kill the Forsworn leader there
- Boinged to Hendraheim to get within range of there
- Stopped at Goldenhills and picked up a fuckton of farm profits from Marcurio
- Then saw probable Nahagliiv flying around Rorikstead, and went over to deal with that
- It was indeed Nahagliiv, but oddly I didn’t have to actually do most of the work
- Some Thalmor were also on hand, and they threw a lot of firepower at the dragon
- Between us all, we killed it (and for once I didn’t get any shit from the Thalmor)
- From there I proceeded to Serpent’s Bluff Redoubt, and did my first summons of Durnehviir in this game
- Got first word of Soul Tear, and let him blitz the camp
- Then boinged to Heljarchen and Winstad for supplies check, and to try to figure out where the hell I left the draw knife
- Answer: I left it in Lakeview! Found it finally in a chest in the storage room
- Saved there until next time
This session kicked off with running the Thieves Guild’s special Windhelm job: taking out the Summerset Shadows at Uttering Hills Cave. I’ve done this several times at this point so not much new to add about that here, though I am amused at how I, aggro Serana, Lucien, and a summoned Daedroth basically laid waste to the place.
And I cannot help but imagine this exchange:
Serana, dryly: “So the Thieves Guild doesn’t kill its marks, huh?”
Elessir, equally dryly, while Lucien splutters in the background: “But we damn sure kill rival Guilds.”
I am not accustomed to hearing people in Markarth actually being happy about my busting out of Cidhna Mine with the Forsworn, but this time through the smelter workers were absolutely giddy about it. I heard one in passing being all “OMG you escaped from Cidhna Mine with the Forsworn, all the Warren workers are praising your name!”
Awesome. ❤️
They probably would also be delighted that I then robbed the hell out of the Smelter Overseer’s house! Ahem. Not that I said that out loud or anything.
Other than that, nothing much new here, so not much other commentary. Onward to further post catchup!
Next time
Elessir’s next post, the one time I played him in March, will feature more thieving, more fishing, and getting the thaneship in the Reach!

Editing to add
- 10/21/2024: Converted gallery to native WordPress one.