In Which Kendeshel Masters Conjuration and Finds the Aetherium Forge
In which Kendeshel cleanses her fellow Companion Farkas of his wolf blood; finds the final aetherium shard in Raldbthar; finds the Aetherium Forge, and bids farewell to the ghost of Katria; slays a vicious horker near Windhelm; finds the Oghma Infinium and gains knowledge from it; and masters the school of Conjuration magic.
In Which Finds-The-Way Goes to Solstheim
In which Finds-The-Way discovers a Word of Power in Shriekwind Bastion; helps Viriya get set up as a merchant in Riften; travels to Solstheim in search of clues about Miraak; recovers an Ancient Nord Pickaxe; and helps Crescius Caerellius prove how his great-grandfather died in Bloodskal Barrow.
In Which Elessir Slays Alduin in Sovngarde
In which Elessir becomes Guild Master of the Thieves Guild; brings about a peace council between the Imperials and the Stormcloaks at High Hrothgar; solves a rash of murders in Windhelm; forces the Blades to stand down from insisting he kill Paathurnax; traps the dragon Odahviing at Dragonsreach, then lets Odahviing fly him to Skuldafn; quests through Skuldafn into Sovngarde; slays Alduin the World-Eater; and adopts a child after his return to Whiterun.
In Which Nona Has a Long and Bumpy Start
In which the young Imperial Nona is left for dead at Steamcrag Camp; eludes a treacherous Khajiit by way of hostile giant; visits Kynesgrove and Windhelm; travels to Whiterun, and helps several of the locals there; travels to Riverwood and Helgen, and meets a former arena fighter named Gorr; witnesses Alduin's attack on Helgen, and reports it to Whiterun's Jarl; and is engaged by Balgruuf and Farengar to retrieve the Dragonstone from Bleak Falls Barrow.
In Which Finds-The-Way Slays Alduin in Sovngarde
In which Finds-The-Way slays a dragon at Dawnstar; arranges a peace conference at High Hrothgar; refuses to kill Paarthurnax; traps Odahviing at Dragonsreach; journeys to Skuldafn, and fights her way to Sovngarde; and slays Alduin in Sovngarde with the help of the ancient heroes.
In Which Finds-The-Way Assassinates a Markarth Chef
In which Finds-The-Way assassinates a chef in Markarth; acquires a set of Ancient Shrouded Armor from Hag's End; hunts for additional Stones of Barenziah; returns to Septimus to give him his requested blood samples, only to see him disintegrate when he opens his Dwemer artifact; and reads the Oghma Infinium.
In Which Elessir Destroys the Summerset Shadows
In which Elessir destroys the Summerset Shadows at Uttering Hills Cave, to put an end to their encroaching on the Thieves Guild; teaches a woman in Markarth to fish; slays the dragon Nahagliiv at Rorikstead; and slays the Forsworn camped at Serpent's Bluff Redoubt by the order of the Jarl of the Reach.
In Which Kendeshel Destroys the Dark Brotherhood and Excavates at Rkund
In which Kendeshel brings about the death of Grelod the Kind; fights a mad mage in the hot springs of Eastmarch; slays the leader of the Dark Brotherhood, and then wipes out the rest of them, except for an old blind man who tells her of the Hand of Glory; helps a mage at Darklight Tower put an end to her hagraven mother; and works with the Explorer's Society to excavate the ruins at Rkund, making a number of valuable discoveries in the process.
In Which Elessir Slays Mudcrabs and Commits Thievery
In which Elessir deals with an infestation of frenzied mudcrabs in Dawnstar; commits further thievery for the Thieves Guild; and slays a monster horker near Windhelm.
In Which Marwyth Uncovers Plots in Clockwork City
In which Marwyth accompanies the sorcerer Divayth Fyr into Clockwork City; teams up with other hopefuls to try to win citizenship in the Brass Fortress; discovers a corrupt constable, and puts a stop to his citizenship fraud; and uncovers a shocking revelation about Sotha Sil himself.