In Which Elessir Clears Shriekwind Bastion
In which Elessir, Serana, and Lucien clear Shriekwind Bastion of vampires and other undead.
In Which Elessir Steals Everything That Isn’t Locked Down
In which Elessir recovers a stolen silver mold for Endon the silversmith; commits several acts of thievery in Solitude; assists Erikur with framing a ship captain (but also robs Erikur's house); and commits more thievery in Whiterun.
In Which Elessir Becomes Thane of the Reach
In which Elessir recovers a lost shipment for the caravan leader Ri'saad; recovers a shield for the Jarl of Markarth; commits several acts of thievery in Markarth; and, ironically, is also made Thane of the Reach.
In Which Finds-The-Way Assassinates a Markarth Chef
In which Finds-The-Way assassinates a chef in Markarth; acquires a set of Ancient Shrouded Armor from Hag's End; hunts for additional Stones of Barenziah; returns to Septimus to give him his requested blood samples, only to see him disintegrate when he opens his Dwemer artifact; and reads the Oghma Infinium.
In Which Elessir Destroys the Summerset Shadows
In which Elessir destroys the Summerset Shadows at Uttering Hills Cave, to put an end to their encroaching on the Thieves Guild; teaches a woman in Markarth to fish; slays the dragon Nahagliiv at Rorikstead; and slays the Forsworn camped at Serpent's Bluff Redoubt by the order of the Jarl of the Reach.
In Which Finds-The-Way Faces Alduin and Wrecks a Wedding
In which Finds-The-Way has her first encounter with Hermaeus Mora; fights Alduin for the first time on the Throat of the World; slays the vampire Hert for the Brotherhood; helps the Brotherhood accept a contract that will lead them to killing the Emperor; takes out a bride at her wedding in Solitude; frames the son of the commander of the Penitus Oculatus; gains the unearthly horse Shadowmere; and confronts Cicero at the Dawnstar Sanctuary after he attacks a fellow member of the Brotherhood.
In Which Finds-The-Way is Named Listener of the Brotherhood
In which Finds-The-Way is proclaimed Listener of the Dark Brotherhood, much to the surprise of Cicero and Astrid; reaches the Aetherium Forge along with the ghost of Katria, and forges the Aetherial Crown as proof of Katria's work and the forge's existence; quests into Alftand and Blackreach in search of the Elder Scroll; and brings the Elder Scroll and crimson nirnroot out again.
In Which Elessir Defeats Lord Harkon
In which Elessir slays Lord Harkon at Castle Volkihar, with the help of Serana and the Dawnguard; retrieves Valerica from the Soul Cairn; joins a fishing contest in Morthal, only to discover it's not what it seems; thwarts a conspiracy of the Forsworn in Markarth; commits further acts of thievery for the Thieves Guild; and masters the school of Illusion at the College of Winterhold.
In Which Finds-The-Way Becomes Guildmaster of the Thieves Guild
In which Finds-The-Way goes on a thieving spree through Solitude and Markarth; does additional special jobs to gain a foothold for the Guild in those two cities; helps the people of Markarth and is proclaimed thane of the Reach; is also proclaimed Guildmaster of the Thieves Guild; slays Alain Dufont in Raldbthar; and recovers the fourth and final aetherium shard.
In Which Finds-The-Way Does Favors for the Jarl of Markarth
In which Finds-The-Way returns some aged flin to the merchant Ri'saad; recovers a third aetherium shard at Deep Folk Crossing; kills a Forsworn leader at Deepwood Redoubt for the Jarl of Markarth; recovers the Jarl's father's lost shield from Dead Crone Rock; begins a special job in Whiterun for Olfrid Battle-Born to get his support for the Thieves Guild.