In Which Faanshi Fights Pirates and Thalmor
In which Faanshi begins investigating Kolbjorn Barrow; fights pirates at Haknir's Shoal; and fights Thalmor to rescue the kidnapped Baldor, the smith of the Skaal village.
In Which Gyllerah Takes Back the Crystal Tower
In which Gyllerah and K'sragi team up with Darien Gautier and Leythen to take back the Crystal Tower from Nocturnal, and by extension, save the world.
How to do game captures on the Steam Deck
A writeup of how I got video capture working on my Steam Deck's desktop mode, using a program called OBS Studio.
Final Thoughts on Shenner’s Skyrim Run
Final thoughts writeup for Shenner's playthrough, which officially concludes her run! Includes videos of her skills and stats.
In Which Shenner Slays Alduin the World-Eater
In which Shenner confronts Alduin on the Throat of the World; arranges a peace conference at High Hrothgar; traps the dragon Odahviing at Dragonsreach; flies to Skuldafn, and fights her way to the portal to Sovngarde; and defeats Alduin the World-Eater to save the world.
In Which Gyllerah Has Quite a Few Adventures
In which Gyllerah quests through the Alik'r Desert in search of crafting materials; through Ondil on Auridon for rare tomes for the Mages Guild; into the Shivering Isles to confront Sheogorath over yet more rare tomes; and in Vukhel Guard, where she discovers signs of an assassination plot against Queen Ayrenn.
In Which Gyllerah Becomes an Antiquarian and Stops a Necromancer
In which Gyllerah joins the Antiquarian's Circle in Solitude; hunts for crafting materials in Hjaalmarch, the Rift, and Greenshade; and in which she stops a necromancer from ascending to lichdom at Lost Prospect Mine.
In Which Shenner Acquires Auriel’s Bow and Slays Lord Harkon
In which Shenner acquires Auriel's Bow from the Forgotten Vale, and slays the vampire Vyrthur; invades Castle Volkihar with the Dawnguard; slays the vampire lord Harkon; and brings word to Valerica that she is free to emerge from the Soul Cairn.
In Which Gyllerah Visits Blackwood, and Also Fights the Schemes of Nocturnal
In which Gyllerah visits Blackwood; and in which she and K'sragi witness the death of Ritemaster Iachesis and must work with Darien, Leythen, the Psijics, and Razum-dar to gain the help of Clavicus Vile and Mephala against the schemes of Nocturnal.
In Which Faanshi Finds the Black Book of Nchardak
In which Faanshi seeks out the wizard Neloth at Tel Mithryn, and clears Miraak's taint from the Sun Stone while there; in which she, Neloth, and Serana gain access to the Black Book at Nchardak; and in which Hermaeus Mora demands the secrets of the Skaal.