A bit of site rearranging
Did some site rearranging, adding new landing pages for each game I'm actively playing. And also added a dropdown menu underneath Posts, for commentary on modding, site updates, and anything non-game-specific.
My current modding setup on Steam Deck (Updated)
An updated walkthrough of my current modding setup on my Steam Deck, allowing for general modded Skyrim and Skyrim Together Reborn in particular.
In Which Gyllerah Quests All Over Summerset
In which Gyllerah stops a plot at the Royal Menagerie; seals time breaches; fights monsters at Abyssal Geysers; investigates a haunting at the Direnni Acropolis; and seeks a wayward mage in Rellenthil on behalf of his sister.
In Which Gyllerah Seeks the Augur of the Obscure and Solves More Murders
In which Gyllerah and K'sragi recover the Augur of the Obscure, and close time breaches; and in which Gyllerah investigates deaths at Cey-Tarn Keep and helps take out a dangerous beast for the Divine Prosecution.
In Which Gyllerah Seeks a Kidnapped Bride-to-Be
In which Gyllerah and K'sragi venture into Archon's Grove in search of the missing Niralin, who had been kidnapped by werewolves; and learn from Niralin that she has reasons not to return to her less than admirable fiance, Esterdel.
In Which Gyllerah Solves a Murder at Russafeld Winery
In which Gyllerah gets her Columbo on, and assists the Divine Prosecution in solving murders at the Russafeld Winery.
In Which Gyllerah Cleans Up a Rogue Enchantment
In which Gyllerah and K'sragi visit the Proxy Queen; and in which they help a mage of the Illumination Academy break an accidental enchantment affecting his fellow students and the staff of his college.
In Which Faanshi Discovers Miraak’s Hold on Solstheim
In which Faanshi sees Miraak with her own eyes in Apocrypha; receives the urging of the Skaal shaman to save their people; slays a dragon and learns the Shout necessary to clear the Wind Stone; and clears that Stone, along with the Earth Stone in Raven Rock.
In Which Gyllerah Discovers the Secret of a Flooded Ruin
In which Gyllerah learns of a murder in Russafeld; encounters a strangely behaving elf near the Illumination Academy; and investigates disappearances in a ruined and flooded estate, to help a nobleman uncover his family's secrets.
In Which Gyllerah Defeats a Sea-Sload and Joins the Psijic Order
In which Gyllerah and K'sragi uncover Daedric cult and Sea Sload activity in Rellenthil; go to Artaeum and defend it from yaghra attack; and break into the mind of the Sea Sload K'Tora to end his hold on Ritemaster Iachesis.