In Which Finds-The-Way Goes to Solstheim
In which Finds-The-Way discovers a Word of Power in Shriekwind Bastion; helps Viriya get set up as a merchant in Riften; travels to Solstheim in search of clues about Miraak; recovers an Ancient Nord Pickaxe; and helps Crescius Caerellius prove how his great-grandfather died in Bloodskal Barrow.
In Which Gyllerah Goes to the Daggerfall Covenant
In which Gyllerah helps Bastian Hallix rescue his foster brother from Sithis cultists; with Cadwell's aid, begins her journey through the Daggerfall Covenant, and falls in with a ship's crew in Port Hunding; helps Captain Kaleen steal plans from the port's corrupt headman; aids the Orcs on Betnikh, convincing them to join the Covenant; proceeds to Glenumbra, and begins to aid the folk of Deleyn's Mill; and lends further aid to Azandar as he seeks out more of his frayed fates.
In Which Gyllerah Meets an Arcanist and Frees a Slave
In which Gyllerah meets the arcanist Azandar al-Cybiades and helps him investigate why he is experiencing fraying fates; also meets the time traveller Thaddeus Cosma, and helps him investigate a fate of his own; works with Leramil and Gadayn to reach the Infinite Panopticon in Apocrypha, where they discover hints of a secret about Hermaeus Mora; helps adventurers in Rulanyil's Fall evade the Worm Cult; helps Ember the sorcerer rescue a childhood friend from slavery; and saves the life of Jorunn the Skald-King in Eastmarch.
In Which Gyllerah is Named the Champion of Anequina
In which Gyllerah thwarts a Veiled Heritance plot in Toothmaul Gully on Auridon; solves the mystery of a missing Khajiit daughter in Riverhold; helps save Northern Elsweyr and is named Champion of Anequina by its new queen; discovers the cause of dead Orcs in a mine in Greenshade; helps Mirri Elendis rescue her missing mother; chases Orcs out of Cradlecrush on behalf of the giants there; saves Sunhold from Maormer attack; helps a clan of Bosmer settle into a new home; and helps a skaafin in Apocrypha recover a lost secret.
In Which Gyllerah Discovers the Infinite Archive
In which Gyllerah discovers danger afoot in the Infinite Archive, and is tasked with defeating rampant maligraphies; recovers an artifact of Sheogorath from the Lion's Den; and aids the Ebonheart Pact at Taarengrav.
In Which Kendis Fights Through Game Performance Problems to Defeat Miraak
In which Kendis slays Ildari Sarothril at Highpoint Tower; recovers the map to the stalhrim source for the Skaal; discovers the Black Books inside White Ridge Barrow and Benkongerike; discovers the hoard of Haknir Death-Brand; and last but not least, confronts Miraak in Apocrypha, liberating Solstheim from his control.
In Which Kendis Quests Across Solstheim, But With Challenges
In which Kendis discovers the truth about what happened to Gratian Caerellius in Raven Rock Mine; slays a dragon priest in Bloodskal Barrow; clears the All-Maker Stones of Miraak's influence all over Solstheim; helps a frustrated miner at Kolbjorn Barrow; recruits the wizard Neloth to help find a Black Book in Nchardak; learns how to make netch leather armor; and rescues Baldor of the Skaal from the Thalmor.
In Which Faanshi Defeats Ahzidal, Miraak and Alduin
In which Faanshi defeats Miraak in Apocrypha, the dragon priest Ahzidal at Kolbjorn Barrow, and Alduin at the Throat of the World and in Sovngarde.
In Which Faanshi Does More Side Questing
In which Faanshi quests into White Ridge Barrow and Benkongerike in search of Black Books; and in which she assists the scholar Tharstan in Vahlok's Tomb.
In Which Faanshi Discovers Miraak’s Hold on Solstheim
In which Faanshi sees Miraak with her own eyes in Apocrypha; receives the urging of the Skaal shaman to save their people; slays a dragon and learns the Shout necessary to clear the Wind Stone; and clears that Stone, along with the Earth Stone in Raven Rock.