In Which Ysani Defeats Vahlok, Karstaag, and Miraak
In which Ysani escorts the scholar Tharstan through Vahlok's tomb, and slays the dragon priest Vahlok the Jailor; slays the ghost frost giant Karstaag; and last but certainly not least, slays Miraak the First Dragonborn, at the summit of Apocrypha.
In Which Delga Discovers Riekling Worship and Slays a Frost Giant Ghost
In which Delga ventures through the caves of Frossel and finds rieklings there worshipping a strange idol; and in which she slays the ghost of the frost giant Karstaag.
In Which Merawen Slays Vahlok the Jailor and Karstaag the Frost Giant
In which Merawen escorts the scholar Tharstan through Vahlok's Tomb, and slays the Dragon Priest Vahlok; slays the frost giant Karstaag; and retrieves a lost bonemold formula for Glover Mallory.