In Which Elessir Slays Some Mudcrabs and Heads to Solstheim
In which Elessir finds rare fish, a Dwemer fishing rod, and enchanted axes; cooks a seafood feast; fights off an attack of frenzied mudcrabs near Dawnstar; and heads to Solstheim, to hunt down the mysterious Miraak who's trying to kill him.
In Which Kendis Becomes Thane of the Reach and Does a Lot of Fishing
In which Kendis becomes thane of the Reach, acquiring Argis as housecarl, and Vlindrel Hall as her local home; fights Forsworn at Deepwood Redoubt and Dead Crone Rock; quests into Volskygge for a Word of Power; is proclaimed the Fisher Queen in a bardic composition; and fights a giant spirit crab in Dawnstar.
In Which Gyllerah Quests in Malabal Tor, in Reaper’s March, and for the Fighters Guild
In which Gyllerah works further with Lyris Titanborn and Princess Svana to discover the cause of the harrowstorms in Western Skyrim; saves the Green Lady and witnesses her union with the Silvenar; is named the Moon Hallowed as she aids two sisters, one of whom is fated to be the next Mane of the Khajiit; liberates Arenthia from invaders; and discovers the truth of who'd slain the previous Guildmaster of the Fighters Guild.
In Which Gyllerah Hunts Witches, the Hound, and Daedra in the White-Gold Tower
In which Gyllerah discovers the last Guildmaster of the Fighters Guild was murdered; investigates the destruction of Meridia's temple at Kilkreath, and gains a vampire ally; investigates the murder of the queen in Solitude; quests into the White-Gold Tower and destroys the Daedra who'd taken it over for Molag Bal; and frees the Silvenar from imprisonment in Jathsogur.
In Which Shenner Quests through Mzinchaleft and Arkngthamz
In which Shenner recovers the sword Grimsever from Mzinchaleft; meets the ghost of Katria in Arkngthamz; slays a dragon by Dushnikh Yal; and catches several unusual fish for Swims-In-Deep-Water and gains the Fang of Haynekhtnamet.
In Which Shenner Faces An Awkward Situation
In which Shenner assists Viriya in getting started setting up a market stall; and in which she infiltrates Druadach Redoubt, now inhabited by Madanach's friendly forces, to surreptitiously kill his Briarheart.
In Which Ysani Slays Falmer, Dragons, and a Thalmor Assassin
In which Ysani retrieves another schematic for Sorine; finds Falmer slaughtering bandits in a cave hideout; aids treasure seekers on their way into a barrow; slays the dragons Nahagliiv and Viinturuth; and slays a Thalmor assassin as well.
In Which Merawen Dives Headlong into Forgotten Vale
In which Merawen and Serana brave the route through Darkfall Cave and Darkfall Passage to make it into Forgotten Vale, in search of Auriel's Bow--and gain the help of the Snow Elf Gelebor, with the price of helping him kill his brother.