In Which Kendis Heads to Solstheim
Side questing for some of this pair of Kendis sessions, and then heading to Solstheim to start the Dragonborn plot!
In Which Faanshi Discovers Miraak’s Hold on Solstheim
ESO has really been dominating my gaming time now that I’ve started playing it, because it’s the cool new kid in my gaming town. But I did jump back to Skyrim a bit, because I don’t want to abandon my playthroughs in progress! So I moved the Dragonborn plotline a little further along with my Khajiit Faanshi on the Switch.
In Which Faanshi Ventures to Kolbjorn Barrow and Miraak’s Temple
The big news item with this session of Faanshi’s is that Nintendo dropped a surprise release of the Anniversary Edition to the Switch! And I did of course buy it, so now Faanshi’s playthrough actually has access to the AE content, woo!
Meanwhile, she went to check out Kolbjorn Barrow, and then Miraak’s temple.
In Which Faanshi Makes an Impact in Raven Rock
Very busy session, in which I did all of the general “establish myself in Raven Rock” plots, which gave me access to Severin Manor. So, running the plot for the mine, taking out Falx Carius at Fort Frostmoth, and foiling the plot to assassinate Councilor Morvayn!
In Which Shenner Quests Around Solstheim
Plotwise, this session’s main action was cleansing the rest of the All-Maker Stones. But aside from that, I also ran the plot to learn how to make netch leather armor, and the plot to find a suit of stalhrim fur armor! Killed three different dragons and got most of the Deathbrand armor. And rescued Baldor from the Thalmor, told the Thalmor to fuck off, and located the stalhrim source! Busy session, all around.
In Which Shenner Invades Fort Frostmoth and Reopens Raven Rock Mine
And, back to the Skyrim playthroughs! Specifically, Shenner’s last session, in which I did some more initial action in Raven Rock before moving on to helping Captain Veleth with his ash spawn problem, and finding the truth of what happened to Graetian Caerellius in Raven Rock Mine.
In Which Ysani Slays an Undead General and Solves a Mine Mystery
Single session post this time! With a lot of action packed into it, cleansing the Earth Stone by Raven Rock, killing the undead general sending ash spawn after Raven Rock, and solving the mystery of what happened to Gratian Caerellius in Raven Rock Mine.
In Which Ysani Uncovers a Threat on Solstheim
This post covers play done on Wednesday 4/13 and Thursday 4/14.
Why all the double session posts? Two reasons:
- Four playthroughs in, it’s harder for me to find new material to post about, and
- I’ve been having to go to bed earlier because the day job’s getting me up earlier, so I have less time to play on weeknights.
So it’s taking me longer to get enough useful material to make a post. Hence putting up a post every couple of sessions.
Anyway, main action here: beginning the run on Solstheim! And diving right into the main Dragonborn plot!
In Which Delga Goes to Solstheim
Note to all: This post is several days after the fact, since my house Internet went down on Thursday 1/6/2022, and only has come up again five days later. Not cross-posting this to Dreamwidth because I put up a mirror version of this same post on that site already, here.
With this session, I officially kick off the Dragonborn DLC activity for this playthrough! And the way the session action played out, Delga and her housecarl Calder made it to Solstheim and almost immediately got caught up in the mystery of what’s going on with Miraak taking over the minds of the people of the island.
In Which the Dragonborn Quests All Over Solstheim
This was a session pretty much all about the side quests, since Solstheim has many to choose from, and a lot of corners to explore. I wanted to make sure and get those corners checked out before I finish off the main quest!