In Which Kendis Escapes Helgen
In which Kendis the Redguard escapes a dragon attack on Helgen with the help of the Imperial soldier Hadvar; and in which she brings word of Riverwood's peril to Balgruuf, the Jarl of Whitrerun.
In Which Shenner Quests Through the Ratway
In which Shenner acquires the blade Dawnfang and Duskfang, a pet skeever, and a home down in the Ratway; rescues Esbern from Thalmor agents; brings a goldfish to Mila in Whiterun; and builds out more of Windstad Manor.
In Which Shenner Acquires Sunder and Wraithguard
In which Shenner does battle with a unique dwarven centurion, and acquires the artifacts Wraithguard and Sunder; and in which she begins her crafting of amber armor.
In Which Shenner Acquires Thaneships, a Unicorn, and a Goblin
In which Shenner slays a master vampire and becomes thane in Hjaalmarch; buys a house and becomes thane in Riften; tames a unicorn; rescues a goblin warrior from a false god; and slays a bandit who'd murdered a merchant.
In Which Shenner Impresses the Jarl of Riften
In which Shenner is directed to seek stolen books for the mage college; makes many improvements to her new farm; slays a bandit leader for a Winterhold bounty; and makes a name for herself in Riften, gaining the favor of the Jarl.
In Which Shenner Goes Bandit Hunting
In which Shenner hunts bandits, first near the Guardian Stones, and then at Bilegulch Mine by the directive of the Jarl of Falkreath.
In Which Shenner Escapes Execution and a Dragon Attack
In which the fiery-tempered, fire-haired Nord Shenner is almost executed at Helgen; escapes by way of a surprise dragon attack; makes it to Riverwood with the help of a fugitive Stormcloak; and goes to Whiterun to bring word to the Jarl that Riverwood is in danger.
In Which Faanshi Becomes Thane of Whiterun
In which Faanshi retrieves the Dragonstone from Bleak Falls Barrow; returns the golden dragon claw to Lucan and Camilla; slays the dragon Mirmulnir at the Western Watchtower; and is proclaimed thane of Whiterun.
In Which Faanshi Escapes the Destruction of Helgen
In which the Khajiit prisoner Faanshi escapes Imperial execution when a black dragon lays waste to the town of Helgen, and flees to Riverwood with the help of one of her former captors.
In Which Ysani Discovers the Oghma Infinium and Heads to Solstheim
In which Ysani discovers the Oghma Infinium; and in which she calls her husband back to her side, so that the two of them can journey to Solstheim in search of the dragon cult trying to kill her.