• Kendeshel Playthrough,  Skyrim

    In Which Kendeshel Fights for the Imperials and is Inducted as a Companion and a Bard

    This is a big chonky post, covering two days’ worth of action in my Legacy of the Dragonborn playthrough. Main items of interest here are beginning to find recruits for the Explorer’s Society; helping Whiterun fight off a Stormcloak attack; recovering a fragment of Wuuthrad for the Companions, and being formally inducted into their number; returning Olaf’s Verse to the Bards College and being formally inducted into their number as well; taking Fort Dunstad for the Empire; and recovering missing instruments for the Bards College; and finding the Minor Lord’s Mail.

  • Finds-The-Way Playthrough,  Skyrim

    In Which Finds-The-Way Becomes Thane of Riften and Robs an Estate

    Swinging back around to Skyrim in German, and my Argonian, Finds-The-Way! Primary action in this: getting the rest of the instruments for the Bards College, hunting down skooma dealers for Riften and becoming thane, getting Honeyside and housecarl Iona, getting Shadowfoot Sanctum, robbing Goldenglow Estate, and running Darklight Tower to pick up Illia as my steward for Goldenhills Plantation.

  • Kendis Playthrough,  Skyrim

    In Which Kendis Becomes Thane of the Pale and Takes Territory for the Empire

    This is another three-session post, as I’m trying to clear out my queue to get caught up! Main action here: lot of war stuff, since I took both the Pale and the Rift for the Empire; got Bloodchill Cavern; got the Gray Cowl of Nocturnal; got the cracked White Phial for Nurelion; got the ironwood fruit to make the healing soup for Rulnik; got the Headman’s Cleaver; and last but not least, became thane of the Pale after putting Brina Merilis in power as Jarl.

  • Harrowhark Playthrough,  Skyrim

    In Which Harrowhark Becomes a Thief–and a Vampire

    This was a huge eventful session, in which I did a great deal of things initially in an attempt to get Vilja killed off. But she kept doggedly holding her own in battle! So i finally punted to a backup plan, which resulted in the dismissal of all of Harrow’s followers–but also in her becoming infected with Sanguinare Vampiris, and fleeing her party’s company rather than risk endangering them. So now she’s run off to join the Thieves Guild in Riften…

    But her disease has run its course. And now she’s a vampire.

    This post is enormous, since a lot of things happened in it. You may want to grab a snack or a drink before you settle in with this one!

  • Shenner Playthrough

    In Which Shenner Thwarts a Conspiracy and Battles a Giant Spirit Crab

    This session saw my running the last couple of quests on Viriya’s branch of the Fishing content! Which sent me boinging between Bronze Water Cave, Alftand Ruined Tower, and Markarth–and then off to Dawnstar, for round two of the invasion of the frenzied mudcrabs! Meanwhile, since I was in Markarth anyway, I ran the Forsworn Conspiracy.

    Also, did a little unexpected activity that started the Brothers in Irons quest, one of the few remaining Alternative Armors quests I haven’t done yet!

  • Shenner Playthrough

    In Which Shenner Impresses the Jarl of Riften

    Fairly eventful session, even though a good bit of it went to discovering that I am not yet ready to take on the bandit boss at Traitor’s Post. What I did accomplish: getting a few more quest pointers! Building out the rest of Goldenhills Plantation! Taking care of the skooma dealer problem in Riften—and getting Laila Law-Giver to offer me a thaneship!

    (I’m posting this on 6/9 but this is for play done on 6/7.)