In Which Finds-The-Way Becomes Guildmaster of the Thieves Guild
As you eventually do if you’re me and you’re running the Thieves Guild in Skyrim, I finally got Finds-the-Way to the point of becoming Guildmaster! So most of this session from early January is her doing the thievery work necessary to pull that off.
And oh yeah, she’s also now thane of the Reach!
In Which Kendeshel Joins the Imperial Legion and the Companions
I thought I was done with commentary on Project AHO, but not quite. Got a couple more minor spoilery comments about the AHO in this post, pertaining to rewards given in that mod and how they apply to my playthrough moving forward, as well as Kendeshel’s mindset after her experiences with that plot.
Also, spoilery commentary in this post about Legacy of the Dragonborn as well, as this features the Shadows of One’s Past quest for that mod.
Aside from that, action in this post that isn’t mod-specific includes getting the Daedric plate armor, cleaning out the first Saints bandits camp for the Saints and Seducers quest, joining the Imperial Legion, joining the Companions, running Dead Men’s Respite, doing the civil war champions fight, and running Korvanjund to get the Jagged Crown.
In Which Finds-The-Way Gets Dawnbreaker, But Not the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller
Swinging back around to my Skyrim run in German, here’s a couple more sessions with Finds-The-Way! Main action here: getting Dawnbreaker; finishing up the Daedra’s Best Friend plot; taking out zombies at the necromancer ritual site; taking out the dragon at Ancient’s Ascent; and last but not least, running Ustengrav. Where Finds did not get the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller.
In Which Harrowhark Becomes Thane of Riften
Main action in this double session post: gaining the thaneship in Riften, and by extension, Honeyside and Iona as latest housecarl; finishing off the thieving jobs in Markarth and getting Endon as the local fence for the Guild; commenced the Crypt of the Heart plot for the Spell Knight armor; and ran the Folgunthur barrow to move the Forbidden Legend quest along.
In Which Faanshi Goes on a Crime Spree
Mostly, this session was all about running jobs to improve the reputation of the Thieves Guild! I re-established the Guild in both Whiterun and Markarth, got a couple of merchants willing to come sell to the Guild, and got a new fence recruited to move merchandise along.
In Which Ysani Gains Windhelm for the Thieves Guild
This session was almost all Thieves Guild action! Got in a bit of side questing first, before finishing the required jobs in Windhelm to gain Niranye as a fence and get Torsten Cruel-Sea’s aid in giving the Guild a foothold in the city. Then I moved on to Markarth to do the same! Finished the required jobs in Markarth as well, and made it as far as recovering Endon’s silver mold to open up that city for the Guild as well.
Also, let’s pour one out for the horse bought at the beginning of the session, who didn’t even make it to the end of it!
In Which Ysani Quests through Folgunthur and Speaks to Maven About a Job
Short session, since this was a work night. Main action was running the Folgunthur dungeon, fighting my first Ancient Dragon of this run, and meeting Maven Black-Briar about a special job she wants done by the Thieves Guild!
In Which Ysani Fights Bandits, Spriggans, and a Dragon
This session was all about fairly minor side quests, the sorts of early-stage stuff in the game that lets you get your feet under you as you level up. Mostly, this meant setting the stage to become thane in Falkreath.
Got in a lot of bandit fighting, though, as well as multiple spriggans and a dragon. And practice with the whole strategy of throwing my best spells as soon as I see a combat situation coming, and getting the fuck out of the way so Lydia and my atronach can charge at whatever’s about to attack.
In Which Delga Helps a Werewolf, and Slays Vuljotnaak and Volsung
Mostly this session was about quests not related to major plots, since I wanted to whittle down the list of miscellaneous things stacked up in my journal. But I did finally run the Ill Met By Moonlight Daedric quest, since it was safe for me to do so. And I took out the named dragon Vuljotnaak, and the dragon priest Volsung!
In Which Merawen Becomes Thane of the Reach and Gains Markarth for the Guild
This session was pretty much all about Markarth—becoming thane for the current Jarl, and also gaining a foothold in the city for the Guild.
Also, got my Smithing up to 100 and was able to unlock Dragon Smithing, finally! \0/