• Kendeshel Playthrough,  Skyrim

    In Which Kendeshel Destroys the Dark Brotherhood and Excavates at Rkund

    Back around to Kendeshel’s run in Skyrim. This is her last session from January, and I have two more sessions of hers after this one before I’m caught up.

    In this one, main action is assorted side stuff from Anniversary Edition content; destroying the Dark Brotherhood, but picking up an extra side quest as a result of that, courtesy of Legacy of the Dragonborn; running Darklight Tower; and also, running the expedition at Rkund, significant Legacy content. Obviously, lots of spoilers here for the Legacy of the Dragonborn mod.

  • Kendis Playthrough,  Skyrim

    In Which Kendis Becomes Thane of Haafingar and Fights the Mythic Dawn

    Time for catchup with Kendis in Skyrim! Main action in this post: clearing Sunderstone Gorge; defeating the ghost of Potema in the Solitude catacombs; getting the Wabbajack; killing Crowstooth at Arcwind Point; questing through Varlais Cavern and then Red Scar Cavern, and triggering the Oblivion gate; questing in the Deadlands; saving Malborn from assassination; initial action to get the thaneship in the Reach; and lots and lots and lots of fishing.

  • Merawen Playthrough

    In Which Merawen Explores North of Windstad and South of Riften

    Another low-key session as I continue to look for remaining things I can do before I finish out the main plot. Main action of this run was going to High Gate Ruins for the quest called A Scroll for Anska, but I also got in some exploration along the northeastern coast of the Sea of Ghosts, and found some spots I hadn’t found before!

    And I reset my Smithing, and did a boatload of creation of things and purchasing of training to work on building it back up.