In Which Elessir Saves the Gildergreen and Joins the College of Winterhold
Since I’m running three different playthroughs concurrently right now, I decided I don’t want Elessir and Finds-The-Way doing the exact same things. So while Elessir will be headed eventually for the Thieves Guild, Finds is running that right now. So Elessir’s heading to the College of Winterhold!
Also featured in this post: saving the Gildergreen, and getting a swanky new set of armor.
In Which Skyrim Together is More of a Mess Than the First Time
Dara, Mel, and I got together again over this past weekend to take another stab at Skyrim Together Reborn. It did not go particularly well, but this time for causes seemingly external to the game. We think?
In Which Ysani Quests for the Temple of Mara
Another double session post, covering play done on Thursday 4/7 and Friday 4/8. Main action for this was doing a couple of minor quests I hadn’t ever done before, both of which were for the Temple of Mara in Riften: The Book of Love, and Spread the Love.
And after that rather romantic break, I swung back around to more typical Skyrim action–finding another schematic for Sorine, and then returning to Septimus to begin the next phase of Discerning the Transmundane.
In Which Delga Slays Bandits for Whiterun and the Companions
This being a Sunday night session, it was comparatively short. Both main goals for the session were along the lines of “go kill bandits”, for a Whiterun bounty as well as a job to get an Orcish Warhammer back for the Companions.
And the Companions job, conveniently, advanced me in that plotline!
In Which the Dragonborn Does a Whole Lot of Things Actually
This is a long one, so buckle up! Had multiple sessions yesterday, before and after dinner, and did a lot of things! Bought Proudspire Manor and the property where I could build Heljarchen Hall. Cleared out Raldbthar to get the second Aetherium Shard. Killed a whole lotta bandits. And kept having dead dragons drop on me in the middle of Whiterun!