• Merawen Playthrough

    In Which Merawen Finally Fights Alduin and Also Acquires the Wabbajack

    I boinged around a lot in this session, but in between all of the fast traveling, I did actually also revisit the main plot! Which meant taking the Dragon Elder Scroll up to the top of the Throat of the World, learning Dragonrend, and having the first round of fighting with Alduin.

    And Alduin was only one of the dragons I fought in this session, though unlike the two Revered Dragons and the Ancient one, he actually survived the fight!

    Next to that, doing the Mind of Madness quest and getting the Wabbajack from Sheogorath was a relaxing vacation. 😀

  • Dragonborn,  Merawen Playthrough

    In Which Merawen Becomes Thane of Hjaalmarch and Also Defeats Miraak

    This session was actually a couple of smaller sessions on the same day with a break between, but for purposes of this post, I’m still calling it one session. And this cycle of play started fairly low-key—but finished with a bang!

    Because I finally became thane of Hjaalmarch, not a terribly difficult thing to do when I was level 65. And then I finally finished up the main Dragonborn plot, and took out Miraak!

  • Dragonborn,  Merawen Playthrough

    In Which Merawen Goes to Nchardak

    As this was a weeknight session it wasn’t as long and involved as my weekend ones. So the main goal here was to clear Nchardak, and, time permitting, get to the Black Book there and move the plot far enough along to be at the point where I have to go back and talk to the Skaal.

    This was successful. Which means I’m also now a fair ways in on the main Dragonborn plot, and that I’ll need to put that on hold for a bit while I do side things on Solstheim!

  • Dawnguard,  Merawen Playthrough

    In Which Merawen Quests All Over Skyrim for the Dawnguard

    This session was all about the side quests for the Dawnguard, with a mix of quests from Sorine, Gunmar, and Florentius. Kidnap victims were rescued! Vampires were plammoed with crossbow bolts! Lost Dawnguard relics were acquired!

    And through it all, Merawen boinged back and forth to several points between Markarth and Riften, all over the map. Most of the locales I hit in this session were places I’d been to before, either as Alarrah or as Merawen. But a couple of them were brand new to me, and that was fun!

  • Dawnguard,  Merawen Playthrough

    In Which Merawen Saves a Priest of Arkay and Returns to Solstheim

    This session was predominantly about doing side quests for the Dawnguard—but with a side helping of getting the party started for the Dragonborn plotline as well. Because Merawen’s now visited Solstheim a second time, and she’s experienced firsthand some of the creepiness involved with what’s going on with the All-Maker Stones there. Muahaha.

  • Alarrah Playthrough,  Dragonborn

    In Which the Dragonborn Defeats Miraak

    This is the second to the last post for Alarrah’s run, because in last night’s session, she took on and defeated Miraak. Also, she discovered what was really going on at Koljborn Barrow, and made her final visits to Tel Mithryn and the Skaal village.

    And then she gathered up some of the things she’d amassed in Severin Manor, and set out with Lydia and Clanky to return to Lucia in Whiterun!

    (I’m calling this second to last post because I have just a couple more loose ends I want to do with this character before I officially retire her. And I want to get a couple of screenshots of her in-game stats just to record in this series of blog posts for posterity!)