In Which Merawen Flees to Riften
In which Merawen, furious that the search for the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller does NOT go as planned—and freaked out by this whole Dragonborn thing—orders her housecarl back to Whiterun; and in which she then flees first to Solitude, and then to Riften.
In Which Merawen Discovers Her Power
In which Merawen retrieves the Dragonstone and returns it to Whiterun, where she is immediately drafted into helping fight off a dragon attack at the Western Watchtower; in which Merawen is revealed as Dragonborn; and in which she is summoned to High Hrothgar to consult with the Greybeards. Also in which Merawen’s player plans out how the narrative that leads Merawen to the Thieves Guild is going to go!
In Which a New Dragonborn Arises
In which Merawen of the Dunmer escapes Helgen with the help of Ralof of the Stormcloaks; in which she goes to Whiterun to bring word to the Jarl that Riverwood is in need of aid; and in which she goes to Bleak Falls Barrow at the behest of the Jarl.
In Which the Dragonborn Defeats Miraak
In which the Dragonborn defeats Miraak and then clears Kolbjorn Barrow; in which she makes a few final visits on Solstheim; and in which she then finally returns to Whiterun.
In Which the Dragonborn Begins the Hunt for Miraak
In which the Dragonborn acquires her final Dragon Priest mask findable within Skyrim; and in which she brings her beloved Lydia once more to follow her on her next major quest, traveling to Solstheim to seek out the mysterious Miraak and find out why he’s trying to have her killed.
In Which the Dragonborn Hunts for Dragon Priests
In which the Dragonborn goes hunting for additional Dragon Priests to take down—and by extension, additional knowledge of the words of Shouts.
In Which the Dragonborn Foils a Conspiracy in Markarth
In which the Dragonborn goes to Markarth and uncovers evidence of a conspiracy—and gets herself thrown into Cidhna Mine when exception is taken to her meddling; and in which she afterward becomes thane of the Reach.
In Which the Dragonborn Does More Quests for the Dawnguard
In which the Dragonborn quests some more for the Dawnguard, and helps them acquire a better crossbow schematic as well as a new recruit; in which she kills another dragon, cleans out a vampire hive, and finds another word of a Shout; and in which she finds that Serana no longer being a vampire doesn't mean she's any less awesome to have at your side in a dungeon.
In Which the Dragonborn Scours the Land for Ingredients
In which the Dragonborn hunts all over the land for ingredients for Ingun Black-Briar in Riften, and in which she also begins the hunt for a crossbow schematic for Sorine of the Dawnguard. With bonus additional commentary about having a horse in Skyrim!
In Which the Dragonborn Buys a Horse
In which the Dragonborn buys her first horse, and then uses it to travel to all the holds she’s thane of, as well as carrying out duties for both the College of Winterhold and the Dawnguard.