When last we left our heroine Alarrah the Dragonborn
Twitter thread from 5/8/2021, in which Alarrah investigates a Redguard in hiding, goes on a roadtrip to Morthal, kills quite a few bandits, and discovers a vampire problem in Morthal.
Skyrim status update: Almost to level 8
Twitter thread from 5/6/2021, in which Alarrah discovers Miraak cultists, runs Shroud Hearth Barrow, and is arrested for lockpicking.
Today’s Things Accomplished in Skyrim
Twitter thread from May 5, 2021, in which Alarrah discovers she's Dragonborn, is made thane of Whiterun, and is summoned to High Hrothgar by the Greybeards.
WOO I actually did combat successfully!
Twitter thread from May 1, 2021, in which I finally make it to the Guardian Stones and to Whiterun, and deal with the romantic triangle in Riverwood
I have become a console gamer!
Housemate Paul got me a Nintendo Switch! So I'm having barrels of fun playing Animal Crossing, but also Skyrim!