In Which Kendis Raids the Thalmor Embassy and Marries a Mage
In which Kendis infiltrates the Thalmor Embassy to steal what information they have on the dragons; recovers a lost heirloom from Shimmermist Cave; retrieves Esbern from the Ratway; acquires a steward for Heljarchen Hall; marries Rulnik Wind-Strider, and settles her family in Whiterun; learns a Word of Power in Angarvunde; and slays the dragon Vuljotnaak.
In Which Ganniwer Solves a Merchant Problem
In which Ganniwer arrives in the Imperial City, and is drawn into resolving a merchant dispute that results in confrontation with a grave robber.
In Which Harrowhark Becomes Thane of Haafingar
In which Harrowhark continues musical studies at the Bards College; recovers the Ancestral Sword of Clan Ice-Blade, and gains the Gray Cowl of Nocturnal; wins the Wabbajack by answering a challenge from Sheogorath; destroys the spirit of Potema before she can escape her catacombs; investigates signs of a resurgence of the Mythic Dawn; and becomes thane in Solitude and buys Proudspire Manor.
In Which Gyllerah Investigates a Dwemer Ruin and Defuses a Rebellion
In which Gyllerah ventures into the Dwemer ruin Mzeneldt, along with the Guildmaster of the Fighters Guild, to seek clues about an ancient weapon; and in which she defuses a politically volatile situation in Grahtwood, between the Vinedusk Rangers and the Blacksap Rebellion.
Minor mod problem with Bards College mod
Post about a book rendering problem I'm seeing in the Bards College mod in Harrowhark's playthrough. Some of the mod's books are not visually rendering on shelves. Includes screenshots.
In Which Kendis Becomes Thane of Eastmarch
In which Kendis returns a Lexicon to the depths of the Dwemer ruin Avanchnzel; becomes thane of Eastmarch; slays a dragon with the help of Farkas of the Companions; acquires the hammer Nerveshatter; and puts an end to a false god's rule over a goblin tribe, gaining a goblin friend in the process.
In Which Harrowhark Acquires Mehrunes’ Razor and Joins the Bards College
In which Harrowhark acquires Gauldur's Amulet and Mehrunes' Razor; battles the mad smith Evethra, and learns how to forge amber and madness gear; joins the Bards College in Solitude; agrees to help a madman find his master; disrupts a ritual to summon Potema in Wolfskull Cave; and follows clues from a mysterious stranger to lead her to find a lost sword at Silverdrift Lair.
In Which Gyllerah Retrieves Antiquities, Disrupts Rituals, and Gains a Companion
In which Gyllerah recovers antiquities from the Sunless Hollow; frees Argonian captives from a cult in Blackwood, and destroys ritual components while there; helps a Khajiit mage undo her wild magic; and frees more captives from cultists on Amenos, while gathering components for magical study there.
Mod weirdness I can’t solve in Harrowhark’s playthrough
I've having some recurring problems with the Immersive College of Winterhold mod in my modded Skyrim playthrough, and also a recurring problem with the Bow of Shadows not working, possibly caused by running Inigo as a follower. I'm using Vortex to manage my mods. Anybody got clever ideas on how to fix the issues I'm seeing? Advice welcome.
In Which Kendis Takes Windhelm for the Empire and Gains a Dwarven Home
In which Kendis takes Fort Kastav and Winterhold, and then Fort Amol and Eastmarch, for the Empire; participates in the final attack on Windhelm, and slays Ulfric Stormcloak; adopts Sofie as her second daughter; recovers a sword for Oengul the smith; slays the bandit Tyra Blood-Fire and claims her ebony plate armor; and explores an abandoned Dwemer home, Nchuanthumz.