Modding Skyrim on the Steam Deck update
A followup on my modding situation on the Steam Deck! Finally got it working. Here are the steps I had to take to do that.
In Which Shenner Attends to Loose Ends
In which Shenner brings taproots and a new steward to Tel Mithryn; slays a dragon while hunting for juniper berries; and returns to Skyrim to begin a hunt for a Briarheart for Neloth.
Problems with steamtinkerlaunch on Steam Deck
Need help solving problems with running Skyrim Together Reborn on Steam Deck. Setup includes: steamtinkerlaunch, Vortex, very light modding so far, but SkyUI is desired if possible. Brilliant suggestions for how to fix welcome!
In Which Faanshi Destroys the Dark Brotherhood
In which Faanshi is kidnapped by the Dark Brotherhood, and destroys them rather than accede to their demands; slays a dragon at Autumnwatch Tower; and retrieves Barenziah's Crown from Tolvald's Cave.
In Which Tembriel Frees Slaves and Slays a Necromancer
In which Tembriel journeys through the northern part of Vvardenfell; frees slaves in Sha-Adnius; and slays a necromancer at Vas.
In Which Tembriel Learns the Emperor’s Intentions
In which Tembriel eliminates the remaining Camonna Tong targeted by Larrius Varro; journeys to Ald'ruhn to question an informant for the Blades; learns from Caius more of what the Emperor wants of her; and dispatches a dangerous killer in Vivec.
In Which Shenner Defeats Miraak in Apocrypha
In which Shenner reforges the sword Trueflame; discovers a Word of Power in White Ridge Barrow, and a lot of spiders; and slays Miraak at the summit of Apocrypha.
My plan for modding Skyrim on the Steam Deck
Compilation of a bunch of recs for Skyrim mods from various sources, just so I have them all available in one place. Any others you want to share? Drop a comment!
In Which Faanshi Slays a Necromancer and a Cruel Guardian
In which Faanshi slays a necromancer in Ansilvund, and finds another unusual gem; and slays the cruel headmistress of Honorhall Orphanage in Riften.
Mostly Final Configuration of Morrowind Steam Deck Buttons
Geeking out about my (probably) final configuration of Steam Deck controller buttons for playing Morrowind.