In Which Faanshi Makes an Impact in Raven Rock
Very busy session, in which I did all of the general “establish myself in Raven Rock” plots, which gave me access to Severin Manor. So, running the plot for the mine, taking out Falx Carius at Fort Frostmoth, and foiling the plot to assassinate Councilor Morvayn!
In Which Shenner Stops an Assassination and Finds Miraak’s Temple
Successfully saved Councillor Morvayn of Raven Rock from assassination, yay! And now I have Severin Manor, so I have a home base to work from to set about the important Dragonborn business of taking down Miraak. As well as doing all the other tasty side things to do on Solstheim!
In Which Ysani Saves Councilor Morvayn
Back to a double session post, where my main action was proceeding through the Served Cold plot, and foiling the assassination conspiracy targeting Councilor Morvayn of Raven Rock!
This post covers play done on Sunday 4/17 and Monday 4/18! And also, lol, I am now past the one year mark when I first bought Skyrim for the Switch and started Alarrah’s playthrough! This game’s given me a good solid year of entertainment. <3
In Which Delga Defeats an Undead General and Foils an Assassination
This post is for Skyrim play done while my house internet was down, and I posted a Dreamwidth version of this post over here.
This is the play session done for the wee hours of the morning of Sunday 1/8, in which I took out the undead General Falx Carius at Fort Frostmoth, helped the Redoran Guard slay a Revered Dragon, and then foiled an assassination attempt against Raven Rock’s leader, Councilor Morvayn! Which won me the right to take over Severin Manor.
In Which Merawen Foils an Undead General and an Assassination Plot
Mostly, this session was about more familiar yet fun territory on Solstheim, finishing up the March of the Dead plot, and then doing the Served Cold plot as well! (With a side helping of exploring one less entertaining new spot.)
Still haven’t really gotten the main Dragonborn plot properly underway, but that’ll come next session!
In Which the Dragonborn Quests All Over Solstheim
This was a session pretty much all about the side quests, since Solstheim has many to choose from, and a lot of corners to explore. I wanted to make sure and get those corners checked out before I finish off the main quest!