In Which Kendeshel Masters Conjuration and Finds the Aetherium Forge
In which Kendeshel cleanses her fellow Companion Farkas of his wolf blood; finds the final aetherium shard in Raldbthar; finds the Aetherium Forge, and bids farewell to the ghost of Katria; slays a vicious horker near Windhelm; finds the Oghma Infinium and gains knowledge from it; and masters the school of Conjuration magic.
In Which Elessir Slays Some Mudcrabs and Heads to Solstheim
In which Elessir finds rare fish, a Dwemer fishing rod, and enchanted axes; cooks a seafood feast; fights off an attack of frenzied mudcrabs near Dawnstar; and heads to Solstheim, to hunt down the mysterious Miraak who's trying to kill him.
In Which Finds-The-Way Goes to Solstheim
In which Finds-The-Way discovers a Word of Power in Shriekwind Bastion; helps Viriya get set up as a merchant in Riften; travels to Solstheim in search of clues about Miraak; recovers an Ancient Nord Pickaxe; and helps Crescius Caerellius prove how his great-grandfather died in Bloodskal Barrow.
In Which Finds-The-Way Slays Harkon and Also a Bunch of Mudcrabs
In which Finds-The-Way slays Harkon at Castle Volkihar; returns to the Soul Cairn to tell Valerica she can come home; takes rare fish to Swims-In-Deep-Water; recovers artifacts from the Forgotten Vale and Bronze Water Cave; fights off an attack of frenzied mudcrabs in Dawnstar; and helps Viriya build a merchant stall in Riften.
In Which Elessir Clears Shriekwind Bastion
In which Elessir, Serana, and Lucien clear Shriekwind Bastion of vampires and other undead.
In Which Kendeshel Cleanses the Soul of Kodlak Whitemane
In which Kendeshel, in the company of the Circle of the Companions, ventures into Ysgramor's Tomb; and finds and cleanses the soul of Kodlak Whitemane, liberating him from Hircine.
In Which Finds-The-Way Quests for the Dawnguard
In which Finds-The-Way rescues Serana from Dimhollow Crypt; declines her father's offer to become a vampire; recruits Sorine and Gunmar for the Dawnguard; rescues the Moth Priest Dexion; rescues Florentius from Ruunvald; recovers a sword and a schematic from Mzinchaleft; and returns to Castle Volkihar to search for Serana's mother.
In Which Kendeshel Excavates a Sunken Barrow
In which Kendeshel recovers plans of the Silver Hand at Faldar's Tooth; excavates a barrow at the bottom of Lake Ilinalta; assists Madras with a project to build a planetarium in the museum; and quests into Alftand in search of an Elder Scroll.
In Which Finds-The-Way Recovers the Crown of Barenziah
In which Finds-The-Way steals a horse from the Black-Briar Lodge on behalf of Louis Letrush; slays a necromancer in Ansilvund and puts the ghosts of two lovers to rest; and recovers the Crown of Barenziah from Tolvald's Cave.
In Which Finds-The-Way Assassinates a Markarth Chef
In which Finds-The-Way assassinates a chef in Markarth; acquires a set of Ancient Shrouded Armor from Hag's End; hunts for additional Stones of Barenziah; returns to Septimus to give him his requested blood samples, only to see him disintegrate when he opens his Dwemer artifact; and reads the Oghma Infinium.