• Elder Scrolls Online,  Marwyth Playthrough

    In Which Marwyth Becomes the Champion of Vivec

    Jumping over to Marwyth in Elder Scrolls Online action, here’s a catchup post for her from mid-December.

    Main action in this post: finishing up the plot on Vvardenfell, advancing the plot in Eastmarch, reaching Champion status (WOO), running a bunch of New Life Festival stuff (including bits I hadn’t done before as Gyllerah), and a heaping side helping of pickpocketing.

  • Kendeshel Playthrough,  Skyrim

    In Which Kendeshel Becomes Thane of Eastmarch and Haafingar, and Goes to Wyrmstooth

    Now back to Kendeshel! This is a mix of vanilla Skyrim content as well as modded stuff. Vanilla action includes some side questing, but also running Blood on the Ice in Windhelm; buying Hjerim; becoming thane of Eastmarch; taking out the Thalmor assassin threatening Malborn; clearing Lost Knife Hideout and getting the Headman’s Cleaver; retrieving the White Phial in Forsaken Cave; slaying Potema; buying Proudspire Manor; and becoming thane of Haafingar.

    This post contains spoilers for three of the mods I’m running in this playthrough: major spoilers for Legacy of the Dragonborn and Wyrmstooth, and minor post-plot spoilers for Moon and Star. Legacy spoilers are specific to the Excavation of Windcaller Pass quest, and Wyrmstooth’s spoilers are for the beginning of its overall plot. Read with caution if you’re not already familiar with these mods.

  • Elessir Playthrough,  Skyrim

    In Which Elessir Becomes Thane of Hjaalmarch and the Pale

    Now that I’m finally done rebuilding all the galleries, I can get caught up on backlogged playthrough posts! Here’s another round of Elessir, mostly covering stuff I’ve done before in other playthroughs, but with a bit of Lucien commentary. Main action: taking out J’datharr the Thalmor assassin; slaying the dragon Vuljotnaak; beginning my run through The Cause; getting the amulet fragments from Geirmund’s Hall and Folgunthur; acquiring Dawnfang & Duskfang from the Guardian Vault in the Ratway; taking over Bloodchill Manor after clearing the vampires out of there; becoming Thane of the Pale after slaying a giant for Skald; and becoming Thane of Hjaalmarch after clearing out the vampires in Movarth’s Lair.

  • Elessir Playthrough,  Skyrim

    In Which Elessir Becomes Thane of Winterhold and a Nightingale

    Latest post from my Elessir playthrough! Main action in this one: finishing up the Saints and Seducers plot, by taking out the second Seducers camp and then the mad conjurer Thoron; returning the Sword of Jyggalag to Staada; locating the remains of missing College of Winterhold apprentices; recovering the Helm of Winterhold and becoming thane of Winterhold; reforging the Arms of Chaos; and pushing the Thieves Guild plotline along to the point of becoming a Nightingale.

  • Skyrim,  Skyrim Together Playthrough

    In Which the Dragonborns Retrieve the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller

    Long overdue post, this was the last session we did in Skyrim Together, way back at the end of August! Action covered in this run: advancing the Thieves Guild plot; reporting to the Greybeards finally on High Hrothgar; going after the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller; meeting up with Delphine and killing Sahloknir at Kynesgrove; and returning the Horn to the Greybeards.

  • Kendeshel Playthrough,  Skyrim

    In Which Kendeshel Recovers Her Freedom

    This post is the second of a series covering my playthrough of the Project AHO Skyrim mod. Spoilers major and minor abound here, so be advised before you proceed. Note also that I found at least two significant loopholes in the mod’s story structure, and I go into great depth about those here.

    In general this post is one of my longer ones, so buckle in for a long read if you want to have a look.

    If you want my non-spoiler take on the mod instead, you can find that in Review of Project AHO mod (non-spoiler version).

  • Finds-The-Way Playthrough,  Skyrim

    In Which Finds-The-Way Slays Sahloknir and Joins the Thieves Guild

    A three-session post, just to clear my queue! Primary action here is slaying Sahloknir at Kynesgrove, and also joining the Thieves Guild! With a bunch of side action involving bear hunting, getting the plot started at Largashbur, raiding Lost Valley Redoubt for the Word of Power there, and finding out where the location is for some of the Anniversary Edition content I haven’t actually run yet.

  • Elessir Playthrough,  Skyrim

    In Which Elessir Defeats the Wolf Queen, and the Dragon Sahloknir

    Second of two Elessir posts I wanted to do today, to get caught up on his run. Main action here: retrieving a helmet from Rimerock Burrow; interrupting a necromantic ritual at Wolfskull Cave; going with Delphine to Kynesgrove and defeating the dragon Sahloknir; returning to Solitude and defeating the undead Potema in her catacombs; and taking her husband’s hunting horn to a Shrine of Talos at the request of Elisif.