In which Alarrah the Dragonborn’s Player is Seriously Not Amused
Twitter thread from 5/12/2021, in which Alarrah and Lydia make it to the end of Ustengrav, go to Riverwood to find out what happened to the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller, and then journey with Delphine to kill the dragon Sahloknir at Kynesgrove.
Yeah okay Skyrim IS pretty awesome
I've fallen headlong into Skyrim finally now that I own my very own Nintendo Switch! Here's a post about the things I'm enjoying about it, of which there are many!
WOO I actually did combat successfully!
Twitter thread from May 1, 2021, in which I finally make it to the Guardian Stones and to Whiterun, and deal with the romantic triangle in Riverwood
I have become a console gamer!
Housemate Paul got me a Nintendo Switch! So I'm having barrels of fun playing Animal Crossing, but also Skyrim!
Today I got the add-ons I ordered for my Switch
Twitter thread from April 28, 2021, in which I am still not ready to leave Riverwood, but discover that I need the Invert Y setting, and how to take screenshots
Further adventures in learning the Switch
In which I lament being very bad at the game controls, even as I derp my way into Riverwood