In Which Delga Goes to Tel Mithryn and Nchardak
In which Delga and Calder set out from Raven Rock to visit Tel Mithryn, and fight several opponents along the way; in which Delga cleanses the Sun Stone of Miraak's taint; and in which she meets Master Neloth and sets out with him to go to Nchardak for another of the Black Books.
In Which Delga Defeats an Undead General and Foils an Assassination
In which Delga and Calder investigate Fort Frostmoth and slay the undead General Carius; and in which Delga foils an assassination plot against Councilor Morvayn of Raven Rock.
In Which Delga Escapes from Bloodskal Barrow and Finds More Schematics for the Dawnguard
In which Delga discovers the Bloodskal Blade, and the fate of Graetian Caerellius; in which she slays the dragon priest Zahkriisos; and in which she retrieves crossbow schematics for Sorine of the Dawnguard.
In Which Delga Goes to Solstheim
In which Delga and her housecarl Calder journey to the island of Solstheim to seek out the mysterious Miraak who's been sending his cultists to kill the Dragonborn--and are immediately caught up in his efforts to take over the island.
In Which Merawen Finally Fights Alduin and Also Acquires the Wabbajack
In which Merawen finally brings the Dragon Elder Scroll to the Time-Wound at the top of the Throat of the World, and fights Alduin there; and in which she acquires the Wabbajack from Sheogorath, the Daedric Prince of Madness.
In Which Merawen Becomes Thane of Hjaalmarch and Also Defeats Miraak
In which Merawen becomes thane of Hjaalmarch after uncovering a vampire plot in Morthal; and in which she finally slays Miraak and ends his threat to Solstheim.
In Which Merawen Does a Circuit Around Skyrim
In which Merawen does a pass around Skyrim, visiting all her houses, but also dispatching a Forsworn Briarheart to help Neloth with his experiments.
In Which Merawen Goes to Nchardak
In which Merawen and Jenassa assist the wizard Neloth in reaching the Black Book inside the Dwemer ruin Nchardak; and in which Merawen is given an ultimatum by Hermaeus Mora.
In Which Merawen Foils an Undead General and an Assassination Plot
In which Merawen foils the intentions of an undead general, and stops an assassination plot against the Councilor of Raven Rock.
In Which Merawen and Jenassa Go to Solstheim
In which Merawen and Jenassa arrive in Solstheim; recover Glover Mallory's Ancient Nord Pickaxe; discover the fate of a lost miner and the ancient artifact he found; and witness more of the creepy influence of a shrine on the townsfolk.