• Clothing Warmth Ratings

    This page tracks Warmth ratings for various types of clothing in Skyrim when playing Survival Mode. It includes all clothing included in vanilla Skyrim, as well as armor included in the Anniversary Edition.

    Armor added by mods is not covered.

    Unless otherwise specified, all game IDs for items listed here are pulled from relevant pages on The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages. Please refer to that site for more in-depth information on all items.

    I give permission for other Skyrim wiki and/or fandom sites to copy over this information, but if you do so, I would appreciate a link back to this page or to the homepage of Anna Plays Skyrim. Thank you in advance.

    Information here is based on observations during my Survival Mode playthrough, now in progress. It is therefore a work in progress. Interested players should periodically come back and check this page for updates.

    See alsoIndexHeavy ArmorLight Armor

    Hats and hoods

    ItemGame IDRating
    Alik’r Hood0007BC1A18
    Fishing Hatxx0008E418
    Mage Hood000D3DE829
    Necromancer HoodFExxx8F618
    Necromancer Hood of Eminent MagickaFExxx91418
    Necromancer Hood of MagickaFExxx91218

    General clothing

    ItemGame IDRating
    Belted Tunic0001BE1A27
    Blacksmith’s Apron0005B69F27
    Captain Clothes (From Dead Man’s Dread)xx0008A8, xx0008AF27
    Clothes (General Brown)000F122927
    Clothes (Green and White)0001769527
    Clothes (Merchant)0004223C27
    Hammerfell Garb0007BC1927
    Roughspun Tunic (From Helgen)0003C9FE27


    ItemGame IDRating
    Cultist Robesxx037b8a27
    Necromancer RobesFExxx8F727
    Necromancer Robes of QuickeningFExxx90A27
    Necromancer Robes of ReplenishingFExxx90C27
    Novice Robes of Alteration0010d66927
    Novice Robes of Conjuration0010d66a27
    Novice Robes of Destruction & AlterationFExxx82727
    Novice Robes of Illusion0010d67127
    Novice Robes of Restoration0010d66b27




    ItemGame IDRating
    Captain Boots (From Dead Man’s Dread)xx0008C5, xx0008E227
    Cultist Bootsxx037b8e13
    Fine Boots0008699324
    Fishing Bootsxx0008E113
    Redguard Boots0007BC1513
  • Heavy Armor Warmth Ratings

    This page tracks Warmth ratings for various types of heavy armor in Skyrim when playing Survival Mode. It includes all armor included in vanilla Skyrim, as well as armor included in the Anniversary Edition.

    Armor added by mods is not covered.

    Unless otherwise specified, all game IDs for items listed here are pulled from relevant pages on The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages. Please refer to that site for more in-depth information on all items.

    I give permission for other Skyrim wiki and/or fandom sites to copy over this information, but if you do so, I would appreciate a link back to this page or to the homepage of Anna Plays Skyrim. Thank you in advance.

    Information here is based on observations during my Survival Mode playthrough, now in progress. It is therefore a work in progress. Interested players should periodically come back and check this page for updates.

    See alsoIndex • Light Armor • Clothing


    ItemGame IDRating
    Cultist Maskxx037b8818
    Ebony Helmet of Eminent Illusion000cf88118
    Golden Saint Helmetxx0008758
    Iron Helmet00012e4d18
    Iron Plate HelmetFExxx80318
    Masque of Clavicus Vile000d284618
    Steel Helmet0001395429
    Steel Helmet of Illusion000b50e329
    Steel Horned Helmet000f6f2429


    ItemGame IDRating
    Ancient Nord Armor0001838827
    Banded Iron Armor0001394827
    Golden Saint Armorxx00087717
    Iron Armor00012e4927
    Iron Plate ArmorFExxx80127
    Steel Armor0001395254


    All shields observed so far have a warmth rating of 0.


    ItemGame IDRating
    Brawler's Iron GauntletsFExxx85213
    Golden Saint Gauntletsxx0008767
    Iron Gauntlets00012e4613
    Steel Imperial Gauntlets000f6f2324


    ItemGame IDRating
    Golden Saint Bootsxx0008787
    Iron Boots00012e4b13
    Steel Cuffed Boots0001395124
    Steel Shin Boots000f6f217

  • Light Armor Warmth Ratings

    This page tracks Warmth ratings for various types of light armor in Skyrim when playing Survival Mode. It includes all armor included in vanilla Skyrim, as well as armor included in the Anniversary Edition.

    Armor added by mods is not covered.

    Unless otherwise specified, all game IDs for items listed here are pulled from relevant pages on The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages. Please refer to that site for more in-depth information on all items.

    I give permission for other Skyrim wiki and/or fandom sites to copy over this information, but if you do so, I would appreciate a link back to this page or to the homepage of Anna Plays Skyrim. Thank you in advance.

    Information here is based on observations during my Survival Mode playthrough, now in progress. It is therefore a work in progress. Interested players should periodically come back and check this page for updates.

    See alsoIndexClothingHeavy Armor

    Helmets and hoods

    ItemGame IDRating
    Fur Helmet0006f39e29
    Hide Helmet0001391318
    Imperial Light Helmet00013edb18
    Leather Helmet0001392218
    Leather Scout HelmetFExxx80318
    Orcish Scaled HelmetFExxx80329
    Scaled Helmet0001b3a118
    Studded Dragonscale HelmetFExxx80329
    Whiterun Guard's Helmet0002161518


    ItemGame IDRating
    Fur Armor0010594f54
    Fur Armor0010594b36
    Hide Armor0001391127
    Leather Scout ArmorFExxx80127
    Orcish Scaled ArmorFExxx80054
    Studded Armor0001b3a227
    Studded Dragonscale ArmorFExxx80154
    Studded Imperial Armor00013ed827
    Whiterun Guard's Armor0002150d27


    All shields observed so far have a 0 warmth rating.

    Gloves and bracers

    ItemGame IDRating
    Brawler's Hide BracersFExxx84B13
    Cultist Glovesxx037b8c13
    Elven Gauntlets0001391c13
    Fur Bracers0006f39b24
    Leather Bracers0001392113
    Orcish Scaled GauntletsFExxx80224
    Studded Dragonscale GauntletsFExxx80224


    ItemGame IDRating
    Elven Boots0001391a13
    Fur Boots (Stormcloak)000a6d7f24
    Fur Shoes0006f39824
    Hide Boots0001391013
    Leather Boots0001392013
    Orcish Scaled BootsFExxx80024
    Studded Dragonscale BootsFExxx80024

  • Skyrim Survival Mode Warmth Ratings

    This page tracks warmth ratings for various types of armor, clothing, and other worn items when you’re playing Skyrim in Survival Mode. I’m tracking this on my site because the two main wikis I use for my playthrough reference sources, The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages and The Elder Scrolls Wiki, are not tracking this information as far as I can tell. And I’ve seen multiple Reddit or forum threads where players are asking about this information.

    I’m hoping that if I compile it here on my site, it will be useful to other Skyrim players.

    I give permission for the information I gather here to be copied over to other Skyrim fandom sites, but if you copy my information, I would appreciate being credited in a footnote with a link back to this page, or to the main page of Anna Plays Skyrim.

    Information gathered here is strictly to track the known Warmth ratings for all types of worn items observed in my Survival Mode playthrough. Since that playthrough has just begun, this page is therefore a work in progress. Interested players should bookmark this page and come back to it periodically to check on updates.

    Items will include:

    • Armor of all types
    • Clothing
    • Other worn items such as hats, gloves, and boots

    I will be tracking only the Warmth rating for these items. For other stats, I encourage players to visit the wikis I link to above, where more general armor stats are covered in great detail.

    My playthrough is the Anniversary Edition, with all AE content, but without mods. Therefore items covered on this page only include what’s available in the unmodded Anniversary Edition.

    In the interests of avoiding one gigantic page of tables, I’m splitting this out into sub-pages. Please consult the following: