2021 was the year I became a Skyrim player. I’d long known about the game. My household has always been a gaming household, and both my wife and our housemate played Skyrim multiple times on the various consoles we own when it originally came out: XBOX, PS3, PS4, and even VR.

Up until 2021 though I had never been a console player. I much prefer playing games on my own computer, or on my mobile devices. In 2021, though, I finally got a Nintendo Switch.

And that gave me the opportunity to finally play Skyrim for myself. I jumped into it wholeheartedly, blazing through multiple playthroughs. This entertained friends on social media sites who’d played Skyrim before, encouraging several of them to pick up playing again, and a couple other folks who’d never played before to start playing as well.

This site is the landing page for all my Skyrim adventures, rounded up in one place–and as of August 2022, other adventures in the Elder Scrolls games as well. It’s dedicated to all my online friends who’ve been entertained by these adventures!

All the Playthroughs

Browse the site menu for the various games’ playthroughs. Each main game menu item goes off to a landing page for that game, and underneath each of those menus, you can find the links for individual playthrough pages.

And just in case it wasn’t obvious: as a playthrough blog, this site is CHOCK FULL OF SPOILERS for Elder Scrolls Games as well as several major Skyrim mods. Be advised when reading my posts.

Under the Posts menu, you can find a couple of categories for commentary not specifically related to a game, such as for modding, reviews on games and mods, setting up my Steam Deck for playing, etc.

Tag Cloud

I tag all my posts based on locations visited in each session, but now that I have multiple playthroughs going in multiple games, my default tag cloud has gotten rather enormous. So you can find individual tag clouds for the various games on their landing pages. Here, you can find tags not specific to any given game. (Which currently includes tags for locations that appear in multiple games.)

sadrith mora sanctus shrine sarano ancestral tomb sarethi farm sargon satakalaam save files screenshots seyda neen shor’s stone shor's watchtower shrine of azura shrine of mehrunes dagon shrine of riddle'thar shrine of saint veloth shrine of sheogorath shrine of shor shrine of the black maw shrine of the golden eye shrine to jyggalag shrine to peryite shrine to syrabane shrine to trinimac shrine to xarxes shroud hearth barrow shrouded grove shulk egg mine shulk ore mine shushishi siddgeir sidereal cloisters sideways cave sightless pit sightless vault sil-var-woad silatar silent mire silent moons camp silsailen silumm silvenar silvenar vale dolmen silverdrift lair silversnow mine silyanorn ruins sinderion’s field laboratory siren's cove site updates skaal village skald skald's retreat skills skingrad skse skse64 skuldafn sky haven temple skyborn altar skybound watch pass skyrim together reborn skyshroud barrow skytemple ruins skyui skywatch slag town sleeping tree camp sleepy senche mine smuggler's slip snapleg cave snow veil sanctum snow-shod farm snowclad ruins snowpoint beacon snugpod solitude solitude catacombs solitude lighthouse solitude sawmill solitude sewers soljund’s sinkhole solstheim sorrow soul cairn south beacon south brittleshin pass south skybound watch south windcaller pass southern elsweyr southfringe sanctum southpoint southroad pass sovngarde spellscar spindleclutch spurned peak ssh staadomaar stalhrim source starved plain statue of phynaster statue to meridia steam cloud steam deck steamcrag camp steamtinkerlaunch steed stone steelheart moorings steepfall burrow stendarr's beacon stillborn cave stirk stonefalls stonefang isle stonehill bluff stonehills stonehollow stonewastes stony creek cave stormhaven stormhold stros m'kai sulfur pools sulipund summerset sun stone sundered towers sunderstone gorge sunhold sunspire suran survival mode swindler's den syncthing
taarengrav tal'deic fortress talsgar the wanderer tanzelwil tarlain bandit camp tava's blessing tears of the dishonored teeth of sithis tel fyr tel mithryn tel rendys telvanni peninsula tempest island temple of miraak temple of the ancestors temple of the eight temple of the mourning springs ten-maur-wolk tenmar cathedral tenmar jungle thalmor embassy the accursed nursery the black forge the cave of trophies the chateau of the ravenous rodent the chill the colored rooms the corpse garden the court of contempt the crystal tower the dainty sload the deadlands the den of lorkhaj the earth forge the evergloam the fields of regret the forgotten city the grotto of depravity the halls of colossus the harborage the hollow city the howling sepulchers the library of dusk the lightless oubliette the lion's den the middens the paarthurnax dilemma the prowl the queen's hatchery the ratway the reach the refuge of dread the rift the scuttle pit the shadow cleft the shivering isles the spiral skein the stitches the sunless hollow the tangle the tower of lies the tranquil catalog the underroot the underweave the valley of blades the vault of haman forgefire the vaults of heinarwe the veiled keep the vile manse the withered rose thieves guild thirsk mead hall thrall cove throat of the world thukhozod's sanctum thulvald's logging camp tinkerer tobin's workshop tolvald’s cave tomb of the serpents tomb of vulom toothmaul gully topal sea pirate base tor draioch tor-hame-khard torinaan tormented spire torog's spite tower stone traitor’s post traitor's vault treasure map 1 treasure map 2 treasure map 3 treasure map 4 treasure map 8 treva's watch trolhetta troll's toothpick tsofeer cavern tumble arch pass tundra homestead tusenend tuxborn twilight sepulcher

A list of other TES-related links of interest can be found on my Elder Scrolls Links page.