In Which Ganniwer Joins the Arena
In which Ganniwer helps a town lift a magic spell that made them all invisible; acquires armor for her horse; has visions of herself fighting and dying as she tries to save Kvatch and Martin Septim from Daedric attacks; and joins the Arena in the Imperial City.
In Which Harrowhark Learns Dragonrend and Saves Dawnstar
In which Harrowhark faces Alduin on the Throat of the World; plots with Paarthurnax to trap one of Alduin's allies; returns the Lexicon to Septimus Signus; meets Hermaeus Mora; save Dawnstar from nightmares; buys land for and builds Heljarchen Hall; slays the dragon at Autumnwatch Tower; and becomes Thane of the Pale.
In Which Gyllerah Saves Western Skyrim
In which Gyllerah liberates enthralled Nords at a tavern in Coldharbour; frees the captured Fennorian from Blackreach; seeks a lost instrument for the Bards College; helps a young woman discover the truth about her disgraced ancestor; and joins forces with Lyris, Fennorian, and Princess Svana to bring down Svana's father and save Solitude from a massive harrowstorm.
In Which Kendis Acquires Auriel’s Bow
In which Kendis quests through Forgotten Vale; slays the dragons Voslaaruum and Naaslaarum; slays the Arch-Curate Vyrthur; and acquires Auriel's Bow.
In Which the Dragonborns Slay Malkoran and a Couple Other NPCs While They’re At It
In which the trio of Dragonborns finds Malkoran a tough foe in Kilkreath, but take him out after much effort and acquire Dawnbreaker; acquire the Wabbajack from Sheogorath, with rather less effort; and acquire a horse and a house, or at least for ONE of them, in Whiterun.
In Which Tembriel is Infected With and Cured of the Divine Disease
In which Tembriel wipes out the Sixth House base at Ilunibi, but is cursed with corprus by Dagoth Gares as she slays him; ventures to Tel Fyr in search of a cure, and meets the last of the Dwemer; is successfully cured of the disease and returns to Balmora; and learns that she is to replace Caius Cosades as head of the Blades on Vvardenfell.
In Which Gyllerah Saves the Aldmeri Dominion and Quests into Coldharbour
In which Gyllerah aids Shazah in becoming the new Mane of the Khajiit; is named the new fifth member of the Five Companions, but must face the prospect of sacrificing one of the others; helps the Mages Guild finally recover Eyevea from Sheogorath; helps arrange a meeting of the alliances to plan an assault on Coldharbour; discovers that the strike force has been scattered all across Coldharbour when she arrives; and begins rescuing lost Fighters and Mages Guild members and assembling them in the Hollow City, under the direction of the mysterious Groundskeeper.
In Which Gyllerah Quests in Malabal Tor, in Reaper’s March, and for the Fighters Guild
In which Gyllerah works further with Lyris Titanborn and Princess Svana to discover the cause of the harrowstorms in Western Skyrim; saves the Green Lady and witnesses her union with the Silvenar; is named the Moon Hallowed as she aids two sisters, one of whom is fated to be the next Mane of the Khajiit; liberates Arenthia from invaders; and discovers the truth of who'd slain the previous Guildmaster of the Fighters Guild.
In Which Gyllerah Hunts Witches, the Hound, and Daedra in the White-Gold Tower
In which Gyllerah discovers the last Guildmaster of the Fighters Guild was murdered; investigates the destruction of Meridia's temple at Kilkreath, and gains a vampire ally; investigates the murder of the queen in Solitude; quests into the White-Gold Tower and destroys the Daedra who'd taken it over for Molag Bal; and frees the Silvenar from imprisonment in Jathsogur.
In Which Harrowhark Meets Paarthurnax and Hunts for an Elder Scroll
In which Harrowhark and her companions meet the master of the Greybeards; and venture to the outpost of a mad scholar and then into the depths of Blackreach to find an Elder Scroll.