In Which Kendeshel Becomes Thane of Eastmarch and Haafingar, and Goes to Wyrmstooth
In which Kendeshel finishes excavating Windcaller Pass with her Explorers Society team; slays a Thalmor assassin; solves a string of murders in Windhelm; buys Hjerim and becomes thane of Eastmarch; destroys the spirit of Potema; buys Proudspire Manor and becomes thane of Haafingar; retrieves the White Phial from Forsaken Cave; and journeys to Wyrmstooth to help the East Empire Company with a serious dragon problem. Contains major spoilers for Legacy of the Dragonborn, and also Wyrmstooth. Read with caution if you're not familiar with these mods!
In Which Finds-The-Way Slays Mercer Frey and Adopts Some Daughters
In which Finds-The-Way slays a dragon near Battle-Born Farm, and a giant at Tumble Arch Pass; confronts and slays Mercer Frey in Irkngthand; returns the Skeleton Key to the Twilight Sepulcher; adopts Lucia and Sofie as her new daughters; acquires the sword Dawnfang and Duskfang, and the Ring of Masser; and slays the bandit Tyra Blood-Fire.
In Which Elessir Becomes Thane of Hjaalmarch and the Pale
In which Elessir slays a Thalmor assassin, and the dragon Vuljotnaak; investigates the activity of Mythic Dawn cultists at Rielle; retrieves the fragments of Geirmund's amulet, and the sword called both Dawnfang and Duskfang; acquires Bloodchill Manor after vanquishing vampires there; and becomes thane of both Hjaalsmarch and the Pale, after aiding Morthal with a vampire problem and Dawnstar with a giant problem.
In Which Elessir Becomes Thane of Winterhold and a Nightingale
In which Elessir destroys a second Seducers bandit camp; slays the mad conjurer Thoron in the Solitude sewers; locates what's left of missing College of Winterhold apprentices; recovers the Helm of Winterhold and becomes thane of Winterhold; reforges the Arms of Chaos; discovers the treachery of his Guildmaster; and joins forces with Karliah and Brynjolf to become Nightingales of Nocturnal in a united effort to take down Mercer Frey.
In Which Finds-the-Way Becomes Thane of Haafingar and Saves the Gildergreen
In which Finds-The-Way slays dragons, a giant and some vampires; recovers lost artifacts from the bottom of a spider-infested cavern; helps create a new Gildergreen for Whiterun; reveals their Guildmaster's treachery to the Thieves Guild; buys Proudspire Manor and becomes Thane of Haafingar; acquires the hilt of Mehrunes' Razor; puts the Pale Lady to rest in Frostmere Crypt; defeats Seducers bandits near Windhelm; and recovers the Ring of Pure Mixtures and the White Phial from Forsaken Cave.
In Which Kendeshel Takes Windhelm for the Empire
In which Kendeshel concludes helping the Empire unify Skyrim by capturing Fort Kastav, Fort Amol, and Windhelm; slays Ulfric Stormcloak; is contacted by Redguard Remnant agents; slays a dragon at Northwind Summit; disrupts a skooma den at Cragslane Caverns; is named thane of the Rift by Maven Black-Briar; resolves the curse on the Orcs of Largashbur; and discovers a shard of what may prove an important treasure indeed. Contains significant spoilers for the Legacy of the Dragonborn mod: services available from a particular NPC, some hints about backstory for Auryen, and the kickoff of the "Shattered Legacy" plot.
In Which Finds-The-Way Saves Dawnstar, Catches a Murderer, and Robs a Museum
In which Finds-The-Way saves the city of Dawnstar from a plague of nightmares; discovers a helm when questing in Yngol Barrow; catches a murderer rampaging through Windhelm; quests into Snow Veil Sanctum and learns of her Guildmaster's treachery; robs a Dwemer museum to get a rubbing for translating an important journal; and agrees to accompany Karliah back to the Ragged Flagon to present that journal to the Thieves Guild.
In Which Kendeshel Fights for the Imperials and is Inducted as a Companion and a Bard
In which Kendeshel begins recruiting for the Explorer's Society; helps Whiterun fight off an attack by the Stormcloaks; recovers a fragment of Wuuthrad and is inducted into the Companions; returns Olaf's Verse to the Bards College and is inducted into the College; takes Fort Dunstad for the Empire; recovers missing instruments; and finds the Minor Lord's Mail.
In Which the Dragonborns Retrieve the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller
In which the Dragonborns discover the extent of Mercer Frey's treachery back at the Guild; report finally to High Hrothgar to speak to the Greybeards; go to Ustengrav to seek out the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller; join forces with Delphine to slay Sahloknir at Kynesgrove; and return the Horn to the Greybeards.
In Which Elessir Seeks Azura’s Star and Joins the Thieves Guild
In which Elessir is tasked by Azura to restore her broken Star, and recovers it from Ilinalta's Deep; slays the bandit Tyra Blood-Fire, after she challenges him; clears a mine of a spider infestation; joins the Thieves Guild in Riften, but with less extortion than they ask him for; recovers the Headman's Cleaver from Lost Knife Hideout, and a Khajiit's amulet from Treva's Watch; and clears out a skooma den on behalf of Riften.