In Which Harrowhark Learns the Location of the Staff of Magnus
In which Harrowhark quests into Mzulft and learns the location of the Staff of Magnus; returns to the college, only to witness the death of Savos Aren; defends Winterhold from an eruption of magical anomalies; and prepares to go to Labyrinthian to retrieve the Staff.
In Which Kendis Recovers Stolen Books for the Mage College
In which Kendis recovers stolen books from Fellglow Keep, and returns them to the College of Winterhold; acquires dragonscale armor at Yorgrim Overlook; and aids a strange little man in a jester's outfit at Loreius Farm.
In Which Kendis Becomes Harbinger and Joins the College of Winterhold
In which Kendis journeys to Ysgramor's Tomb, frees the spirit of Kodlak from lycanthropy, and is proclaimed Harbinger of the Companions; joins the College of Winterhold; and finds a mysterious orb in the depths of Saarthal.
In Which Harrowhark Gets Down to Business for the Guild
In which Harrowhark begins to explore the consequences--and the advantages--of being a vampire; conducts burglaries in Markarth; raids the Goldenglow Estate; warns the owner of the Honningbrew Meadery of Maven's scheming; and investigates the plotting of an Argonian in Solitude.
In Which Harrowhark Becomes a Thief–and a Vampire
In which Harrowhark and her three followers slay a dragon; spare a werewolf, despite the directive of Hircine; fight bandits and necromancers; cleanse Kilkreath Temple at the directive of Meridia, and acquire Dawnbreaker; stop a vampire plot in Morthal, which leads to Harrow's infection with Sanguinare Vampiris; and fail to locate the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller. Also in which Harrow, infected, abandons her followers and flees to Riften, where she joins the Thieves Guild. And not long after, is turned by her disease into a vampire.
In Which Faanshi Defeats Ahzidal, Miraak and Alduin
In which Faanshi defeats Miraak in Apocrypha, the dragon priest Ahzidal at Kolbjorn Barrow, and Alduin at the Throat of the World and in Sovngarde.
In Which Shenner Slays Alduin the World-Eater
In which Shenner confronts Alduin on the Throat of the World; arranges a peace conference at High Hrothgar; traps the dragon Odahviing at Dragonsreach; flies to Skuldafn, and fights her way to the portal to Sovngarde; and defeats Alduin the World-Eater to save the world.
In Which Gyllerah Becomes an Antiquarian and Stops a Necromancer
In which Gyllerah joins the Antiquarian's Circle in Solitude; hunts for crafting materials in Hjaalmarch, the Rift, and Greenshade; and in which she stops a necromancer from ascending to lichdom at Lost Prospect Mine.
In Which Shenner Saves a Moth Priest for the Dawnguard
In which Shenner frees Serana in Dimhollow Crypt and returns her to her family home at Castle Volkihar; recruits members for the Dawnguard; meets Serana again, and goes with her to rescue a Moth Priest and recover a crossbow schematic.
In Which Shenner Returns to the Mainland
In which Shenner helps an old scholar investigate Vahlok's Tomb; tries but fails to defeat the ghost of a frost giant; and returns to Skyrim with Rulnik and Gogh, and checks back in on her adopted children at Lakeview Manor.