In Which Faanshi Weds a Sword-Maiden
In which Faanshi marries her housecarl, Jordis the Sword-Maiden; adopts Runa Fair-Shield from Honorhall Orphanage; and recruits the vampire Serana to join her for another adventure, journeying to Solstheim in search of the mysterious Miraak.
In Which Shenner Finds a Briarheart for Neloth
In which Shenner distributes her hard-won loot across several of her houses; fights the Forsworn at Lost Valley Redoubt, and observes a briarheart for Neloth there; and returns to Tel Mithryn on Solstheim, where she is tasked to take out Neloth's nemesis Ildari Sarothril.
In Which Faanshi Destroys the Dark Brotherhood
In which Faanshi is kidnapped by the Dark Brotherhood, and destroys them rather than accede to their demands; slays a dragon at Autumnwatch Tower; and retrieves Barenziah's Crown from Tolvald's Cave.
In Which Faanshi Slays a Necromancer and a Cruel Guardian
In which Faanshi slays a necromancer in Ansilvund, and finds another unusual gem; and slays the cruel headmistress of Honorhall Orphanage in Riften.
In Which Shenner Rescues a Curate and Slays a Priest of Dagoth Ur
In which Shenner quests through Benkongerike; returns to Skyrim's mainland to rescue a missing curate for the temple; solves the secret of what has been happening at Kolbjorn Barrow; and defends the temple from attack by ash zombies before hunting down and slaying the renegade priest who sent them.
In Which Faanshi Steals a Horse and More Stones of Barenziah
In which Faanshi steals the horse Frost from Black-Briar Lodge, for a man who then promptly loses said horse; and in which she steals more Stones of Barenziah to add to her growing collection.
In Which Faanshi Becomes Mora’s Champion and Adopts a Daughter
In which Faanshi adopts the flower girl Sofie from Windhelm; acquires the knowledge of the Oghma Infinium; and prepares to seek Auriel's Bow in the Forgotten Vale.
In Which Shenner Meets Hermaeus Mora and Goes to Solstheim
In which Shenner brings crimson nirnroot to Avrusa Sarethi; returns the runed Lexicon to Septimus Signus, and meets the Daedra Hermaeus Mora; and journeys to the island of Solstheim to seek information on the mysterious Miraak, whose cultists are trying to kill her.
In Which Shenner Quests through Mzinchaleft and Arkngthamz
In which Shenner recovers the sword Grimsever from Mzinchaleft; meets the ghost of Katria in Arkngthamz; slays a dragon by Dushnikh Yal; and catches several unusual fish for Swims-In-Deep-Water and gains the Fang of Haynekhtnamet.
In Which Faanshi Goes to Alftand
In which Faanshi slays a dragon at Dragontooth Crater, then begins questing through Alftand in search of an Elder Scroll.