In Which Nona Finds More Friends But Not the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller
In which Nona is ambushed in Solitude and unable to keep her follower Aviendha from being kidnapped; fails to find the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller in Ustengrav; meets the scholar Lucien and agrees to let him join her group; rescues the mercenary Gore from a beartrap; takes out bandits at Bilegulch Mine for the Jarl of Falkreath; meets an arrogant Khajiit warrior seeking to learn the Stance of Arkay; meets Barbas the Daedra dog and agrees to help him rejoin his master, Clavicus Vile; further explores the ruined Helgen; and retrieves Nettlebane from Orphan Rock.
In Which Kendeshel Slays a Whole Lot of Vampires
In which Kendeshel quests across the land in search of Crusader relics for the Dragonborn Gallery; slays draugr and Mikrul Gauldurson in Folgunthur; saves Morthal from being taken over by vampires; discovers the secrets of Shalidor's Maze in Labyrinthian; and claims Bloodchill Manor after clearing it of more vampires.
In Which Finds-The-Way Becomes a Nightingale
In which Finds-The-Way reforges the Gauldur amulet; destroys a Golden Saints bandit camp near Karthwasten; slays the mad conjurer Thoron in the Solitude sewers; robs Mercer Frey's house in Riften; and is sworn to the service of Nocturnal as a Nightingale. Contains the surprise death of a named Solitude NPC! And also, a surprise extra thief in Riftweald Manor!
In Which Elessir Becomes Thane of Hjaalmarch and the Pale
In which Elessir slays a Thalmor assassin, and the dragon Vuljotnaak; investigates the activity of Mythic Dawn cultists at Rielle; retrieves the fragments of Geirmund's amulet, and the sword called both Dawnfang and Duskfang; acquires Bloodchill Manor after vanquishing vampires there; and becomes thane of both Hjaalsmarch and the Pale, after aiding Morthal with a vampire problem and Dawnstar with a giant problem.
In Which Finds-The-Way Becomes Arch-Mage, and Thane of Hjaalmarch and the Pale
In which Finds-The-Way recovers the Staff of Magnus and uses it to slay Ancano, and save the College of Winterhold; quests into Runoff Caverns to shut down a malfunctioning Dwemer weather machine; battles necromancers at Fort Snowhawk; discovers why a house burned down in Morthal, and stops a vampire plot; kills a giant for the Jarl of Dawnstar; and becomes thane of both Hjaalsmarch and the Pale.
In Which Kendis Becomes Thane of Haafingar and Fights the Mythic Dawn
In which Kendis finds a Word of Power in Sunderstone Gorge; defeats the ghost of Potema in Solitude; gets the Wabbajack from Sheogorath; triggers an Oblivion gate while fighting Mythic Dawn cultists; saves Malborn from an assassin; finds a lost sword for a ghost; and does a whole lot of fishing.
In Which Harrowhark Becomes Thane of Riften
In which Harrowhark gains a thaneship, a house, and a housecarl in Riften; secures Markarth for the Thieves Guild by recovering a lost silver mold; and quests into Folgunthur to learn the truth of a forbidden legend.
In Which Shenner Visits Alduin’s Wall
In which Shenner pursues several new fishing challenges, including killing a dangerous horker; slays a Thalmor assassin; reaches Sky Haven Temple with the Blades; purifies a dead knight's corrupted heart, and wins his Ebony Spell Knight Armor; and bribes Gisli of Solitude for a deed.
In Which Shenner Consults the Augur, Fights a Bandit Chief, and Claims a Mage Tower
In which Shenner speaks with the Augur of Dunlain; slays the bandit Tyra Blood-Fire; and acquires the Wabbajack, Tyra's ebony plate armor, a rescued bone wolf, and the mage tower Myrwatch.
In Which Faanshi Becomes a Nightingale
In which Faanshi retrieves an amulet fragment in Folgunthur; retrieves the third aetherium shard from Mzulft; brings proof of Mercer's treachery to the Thieves Guild; infiltrates Mercer's house for intel; and becomes a Nightingale to prepare for facing Mercer in combat.