In Which Kendis Aids the Tribunal Cult on Solstheim
In which Kendis gives aid to a secret Tribunal cult on Solstheim; quests further into Kolbjorn Barrow on behalf of her mining partner; helps Elynea heal Master Neloth's mushroom house; finds Neloth a new steward; and helps Neloth identify what enemy has been sending ash spawn to attack his tower.
In Which Finds-The-Way Slays Sahloknir and Joins the Thieves Guild
In which Finds-The-Way slays the dragon Sahloknir at Kynesgrove, and plots with Delphine to infiltrate the Thalmor Embassy; is recognized formally by the Greybeards as Dragonborn; agrees to help the Orcs of Largashbur; joins the Thieves Guild in Riften, and slays another dragon there; and finds a Word of Power in Lost Valley Redoubt.
In Which Kendis Heads to Solstheim
In which Kendis helps Viriya build a market stall in Riften; finds good homes for her Elder Scrolls; visits Ysgramor's Tomb to cleanse herself of lycanthropy; journeys to Solstheim to investigate the mysterious Miraak sending cultists after her; and begins work on cleansing the All-Maker Stones of their tainted hold on the people of the island.
In Which Elessir Defeats the Wolf Queen, and the Dragon Sahloknir
In which Elessir retrieves a helmet from Rimerock Burrow; interrupts a necromantic ritual at Wolfskull Cave; defeats the dragon Sahloknir at Kynesgrove; defeats the undead Potema in her catacombs; and takes her husband's hunting horn to a Shrine of Talos at the request of Elisif.
In Which Kendis Becomes Thane of Haafingar and Fights the Mythic Dawn
In which Kendis finds a Word of Power in Sunderstone Gorge; defeats the ghost of Potema in Solitude; gets the Wabbajack from Sheogorath; triggers an Oblivion gate while fighting Mythic Dawn cultists; saves Malborn from an assassin; finds a lost sword for a ghost; and does a whole lot of fishing.
In Which Marwyth Saves Sai Sahan and Selfora
In which Marwyth saves Sai Sahan from the Halls of Torment in Coldharbour; infiltrates No Shira Citadel to learn of the plans of a merchant lord; saves what's left of the town of Selfora after it was destroyed by the vengeful Vox; and helps the Argonians of Silent Mire fight off an attack by slaver pirates.
In Which the Dragonborns Are Betrayed By Their Guildmaster
In which the Dragonborns venture into Snow Veil Sanctum with Mercer Frey, only to discover their Guildmaster is a treacherous bastard; agree to help Karliah get a certain journal translated; and break into a Dwemer museum to get info for that journal. Also in which Luciriel's player has game breakage and has to re-run all of the same action solo. THANKS, GAME!
In Which Harrowhark Becomes Guildmaster, Fights Mudcrabs, and Takes Contracts
In which Harrowhark wins Windhelm for the Thieves Guild, and becomes Guildmaster; retrieves the final Aetherium shards and finds the Aetherium Forge with Katria's ghost; kills Alain Dufont, Hern, and Lurbuk for the Dark Brotherhood; is revealed as the new Listener of the Brotherhood; and slays an infestation of frenzied mudcrabs in Dawnstar.
In Which Kendis Confronts Alduin, Interrupts Necromancers, and Recovers a Shard
In which Kendis recovers a totem of Hircine for the Companions' Underforge; confronts Alduin on the Throat of the World, and afterward plans with Paarthurnax to trap one of Alduin's allies; restores the White Phial; interrupts a ritual to summon Queen Potema; discovers the Oghma Infinium; and recovers the final lost Aetherium shard in the ruins of Raldbthar.
In Which Marwyth Joins Some Guilds, Picks Some Pockets, and Robs Some Ships
In which Marwyth teams up with a novice thief to help her steal a skull, only to have the mission go wrong; joins the Thieves Guild anyway, at the Guildmaster's invitation; learns about the Five Companions, courtesy of the Prophet; rescues Lyris Titanborn from Coldharbour; helps defeat Covenant forces at Vivec's Antlers; steals some wine at the inn in Ebonheart; helps Velsa recover a stolen ledger; quests through Shark's Teeth Grotto; and joins the Mages and Fighters Guilds.