In Which Finds-The-Way Thwarts Assassins and Cleanses All-Maker Stones
Time to report back to my Finds-The-Way Skyrim playthrough! Finally getting close to the end of writing about her run, with six sessions left after this post to cover.
This one features more action on Solstheim: finishing the assassination plot, getting control of Severin Manor, running Miraak’s Temple, and making serious progress on the main Dragonborn plot.
Play by play
- Play date: 8/15-8/16/2024
- Session numbers in this run: 60-61
Play by play details…
August 15th
- Picked up where I left off with the assassination plot, just outside Morvayn Manor
- Went in to talk to Councilor Arano, and got his objective to go get proof from Severin Manor
- Since his wife was right there, also got her quest to get her folio
- Overloaded, so trudged slowly over to Severin Manor
- Got in and HI SEVERINS CAN I BORROW A BOTTLE OF SUJAMMA—oh well, you want to be stabby? CAN DO
- Stabbed the hell out of the Severin women, then got the evidence out of their safe, and trudged back out to report in
- Yep, the Severins sure totally were guilty as fuck! How did I know? Because they tried to stab me as soon as I walked in their door!
- Got the objective to proceed to Ashfallow Citadel
- Trudged on out with Teldryn to head that way
- Triggered netch hunter encounter at Old Attius Farm
- Since I was overloaded, didn’t bother to join them on the hunt
- Then remembered, why the fuck am I trudging when I can call Arvak?
- So called Arvak, mounted up, and started riding towards Ashfallow Citadel
- But had to stop to fight some ash hoppers, and triggered another netch hunter group
- I think I just ran into some of your clan members back over thattaway, y’all might want to consider joining up?
- Reached Ashfallow Citadel, took out the exterior assassins, and looted a bit off the outside dead guards
- Then started running the citadel, and made it all the way through to the end, only to get killed by arrow shot
- Thrown back to coming into the citadel, so had to run it again
- Was already overloaded anyway, so fuck it, looted the fuck out of everything!
- Also called up the Ayleid Lich for a lot of the fighting instead of the Dremora Lord
- Got all the loot off of Vendil Severin, and also the boss chest loot
- Trudged back out and got the strongbox with the East Empire Pendant on the way out
- Arvak’d up and boinged back to Raven Rock
- As soon as I fast traveled in, triggered the bug with the pet nix-hound giving me stuff even though I hadn’t actually bought the nix-hound
- But hey, that got me a third netch jelly, so all good
- It was late enough in the evening that all the NPCs were headed to the Retching Netch
- So I went in there to talk to Councilor Arano and tell him everything was sorted
- He asked me to come talk with the First Councilor, but on the way to Morvayn Manor, we were rudely interrupted by a dragon deciding to strafe the city
- We couldn’t have that, so helped the guards take it down, and it crashed behind the city
- Since I was overloaded, had to call Arvak so I could ride up there in a timely manner to take it out
- Pretty sure I heard some dialogue that wasn’t Teldryn, while up there? Maybe a Black Book madman? But didn’t get an actual visual, so don’t know for sure
- Rode arvak back down again when done, and reported properly to Morvayn Manor
- Got invited to be a citizen of Raven Rock, and granted Severin Manor
- Ahem er did I say that out loud?
- Got new achievement for getting the manor!
- Trudged over to Severin Manor to indeed put down all the crap I was carrying
- Also nabbed stuff off the bodies of Tilisu and Mirri and tucked them out of the way for the game to clean them up
- (Will assume they were properly taken to the tombs, of course)
- Once everything was put away in the usual places I like to put things in Severin Manor, finally decided Finds deserved a nice comfy sleep in her brand new bed
- This time, transported to the Wind Stone
- But since I didn’t have the Shout word to clear it yet, pulled a hasty retreat, and went by the Beast Stone
- Confronted a cultist there and Teldryn called up his fire atronach to help fight them
- Conveniently, though, this put me near Miraak’s Temple, so headed on up there to run the place
- Long familiar with it at this point so no real surprises
- Played the entire temple as per previous playthroughs, only this time, I summoned the Ayleid Lich some more for bigger fights
- Got to the Black Book and had first face to face confrontation with Miraak
- Returned to Tamriel and followed Frea out of the temple
- Went with her to her village and talked to her father
- Got his objective to go get the Shout word from Saering’s Watch
- Left off there until next time
- Also, got new achievement for completely running the temple!
August 16th
- Picked up at the Skaal Village, and decided to head north towards Saering’s Watch
- Confronted the pirates on the shoal on the way and took them out
- Got the Deathbrand map and the helm
- Also hit the nearby island with the dead Dunmer, and the journal about netch leather, to kick that plot off
- Proceeded to Saering’s Watch, and killed a troll on the way
- Found the reaver ranting about the treasure at Frossel, and took him out
- Reached Benkongerike and marked it for the map, but didn’t go in
- Reached Saering’s Watch and started fighting the dragon, but got killed during the battle, DOH
- Thrown back to the Skaal Village, and so had to do take two
- This time, I boinged back to Raven Rock and dropped off a bunch more stuff at the house, and sold stuff to the merchants
- Once I did that, then I set out again with Teldryn to head for Saering’s Watch
- This time I went the route behind Raven Rock
- Killed a couple of nix-hounds
- Found Frostmoon Crag but did not bother the werewolves
- Found the Altar of Thrond but did not bother to head in and hassle the hagravens
- Found Moesring Pass and mostly didn’t bother to fight with the rieklings unless any of them got directly in my way (because honestly, as previously observed, pretty much like kicking puppies)
- Guite happily took down the next troll I found, though
- Made it to Saering’s Watch again, and this time actually took out the dragon
- But Miraak showed up to snipe the soul (yes yes fuck you very much, Miraak)
- Got the Bend Will word off the wall, anyway, and headed back towards the Wind Stone
- Marked Benkongerike again for the map
- Re-did the fight with the pirates on the shoal, and re-did starting the netch leather quest as well
- Reached the Wind Stone and cleared that little problem up
- Freed all the Skaal, who helped me fight the resulting lurker, then everybody headed back to the village
- Trudged along with them since very overloaded at this point
- Finally got there and checked in with Storn, and got the directive to go talk to Neloth
- Sold a whole lot of stuff to Baldor to get un-overloaded
- Then realized I’d forgotten to nab the Deathbrand helm at the campsite on the shoal, so boinged back there to fix that problem
- Then started hoofing it to Tel Mithryn, and passed through Bujold’s Retreat on the way
- Overheard Bujold’s convo with her husband, but didn’t stop to talk with them
- Reached the Sun Stone and cleared that one
- Courier approached me as I came up on Tel Mithryn, with the first letter from Ralis
- Then saw initial convo between Talvas and Varona
- Talked to Varona and then proceeded in to talk to Neloth, which went pretty much as per previous playthroughs
- Headed back out with Neloth to go hit Nchardak, and ran this pretty much as per previous playthroughs
- Had to remind myself of a couple of details about the control cubes, and how to get into the side room with the resonance gem, but made it through okay
- Got that resonance gem and other tasty boss loot at the end, including a stalhrim helmet
- Got the Black Book and headed in to run it
- Leveled up to 62 partway through running it
- Reached the convo with Hermaeus Mora, and got his directive to go get the knowledge of the Skaal
- Took the Dragonborn Force perk off the book, and returned to Solstheim
- I think here was where I got the achievement for finishing the Path of Knowledge quest?
- Talked to Neloth and then headed out to depart–and, of course, dragon!
- Took out Krosulhah, and Miraak showed up again to snipe the soul
- Arvak’d back to Raven Rock and returned to Severin Manor
- Put away a lot more things, including magical weapons on the weapons plaques in the enchanter nook
- When I was done with putting everything away, took another sleep–and hah, got transported to the Beast Stone, so cleansed that one, too
- Boinged back to Raven Rock one more time
- Got some things to sell out of the chests, and sold those things to merchants
- Left off there until next time
While running Ashfallow Citadel, I opted to call in the Ayleid Lich a lot more than the Dremora Lord–on the grounds that the lich could do its own summoning. And it could call storm atronachs as well, to do its own ranged magical fighting! Instant expansion to Team Dragonborn, fuck yeah!
The lich came in handy in Miraak’s temple, too. Especially given that I got overloaded again pretty quickly, and needed backup that could move faster than me!
It even pulled a Serana a few times, and resurrected some of our enemies to fight for it.
While I did find Bujold’s Retreat, I didn’t take any action on that plot in these two sessions. I wasn’t sure at the time if Finds was pro-riekling or pro-Nord. Later, I did decide to be pro-riekling! More on this in a coming post.
It was definitely easier to get around in Nchardak as an Argonian. It certainly takes the urgency out of the room flooding when you get the last cube!
I also noticed–not sure if this was the first time I noticed it or not, but–that Neloth threw lines even when swimming underwater. I’m not sure if that was intentional game design or not?
But I could also totally see Neloth being powerful enough to a) have a waterbreathing spell, and b) be perfectly capable of making himself magically heard even while swimming underwater, if he wanted to. The dude does have a humongous ego, but he is a very powerful wizard!
In Nchardak, gathering the final loot, I think I may have set myself a personal record for the highest I’d ever seen my carry weight get before. With the help of a Fortify Restoration potion to boost the enchantments on my Fortify Carry Weight items, I actually got it up over 1,000!
(By and large these days I do prefer to play Skyrim modded. But if I’m playing mod-free, that Fortify Restoration glitch is super helpful and I will shamelessly take advantage of it!)
Of course, being me, I also promptly got overloaded even past that, while running Nchardak’s Black Book! This made getting through there a little tricky, because my reduced speed meant I had to time jumping onto the moving tunnels very, very carefully.
Achievements unlocked
- Raven Rock Owner: For owning a house in Raven Rock, i.e., Severin Manor
- The Temple of Miraak: For completing the quest of that name
- The Path of Knowledge: For completing the quest of that name
Achievements count as of this post: 52.
Language commentary
Interesting terms observed:
Lots and lots of German words…
- Schuppenhaut: Scale-skin (used as an insult by the Redoran guards)
- Morvayn-Anwesen: Morvayn Manor (lit. “Morvayn Estate”)
- Übeltäter: Culprit, evildoer (used by the Dragonborn to identify Tilisu as the suspect when reporting in to Adril Arano)
- Wertgegenstand: Object of value, valuable (used by Cindiri to describe her missing folio)
- Foliant: Folio
- Schnelle Sturmböe: Strident Squall (the ship) (lit. “rapid storm surge”)
- Wrack der Schnellen Sturmböe: Wreck of the Strident Squall (full name of the shipwreck location, note the -n being added for the dative case)
- Seemänner: Sailors
- Severin-Anwesen: Severin Manor (lit. “Severin Estate”)
- Tresor der Severin-Familie: Severin Family Safe
- Alter Attiushof: Old Attius Farm
- All-Schöpfer: All-Maker
- Morag-Tong-Assassine: Morag Tong Assassin
- Aschenbrachenzitadelle: Ashfallow Citadel
- Besitztümern: Estate, possessions (used by Councilor Morvayn when awarding Severin Manor and all it contains to the player)
- Bürgerrecht: Citizenship, civil rights
- Chitinrüstung des Mächtigen Ritters: Chitin Heavy Armor of the Eminent Knight (worn by Vendil Severin)
- Chitinarmschienen des Überragenden Führens: Chitin Heavy Gauntlets of Eminent Wielding (also worn by Vendil Severin)
- Knochenrüstungshelm: Bonemold Helmet
- Knochenrüstungspanzerhandschuhe: Bonemold Gauntlets
- Knochenrüstungsschild: Bonemold Shield
- Knochenrüstungsstiefel: Bonemold Boots
- Knochenrüstung-Armschiene: Bonemold Pauldron Armor
- Morag-Tong-Armschienen: Morag Tong Bracers
- Morag-Tong-Kapuze: Morag Tong Hood
- Morag-Tong-Rüstung: Morag Tong Armor
- Morag-Tong-Stiefel: Morag Tong Boots
- Halskette der Immunität Gegen Krankheiten: Necklace of Disease Immunity
- Nord-Amulet der Überragenden Gesundheit: Nordic Amulet of Eminent Health
- Nord-Diadem der Höchsten Magicka: Nordic Circlet of Eminent Magicka
- Nord-Ring der Überragenden Ausdauer: Nordic Ring of Eminent Stamina
- Ring des Führens: Ring of Wielding
- Gekritzelte Notiz: Scrawled Note (the one found at Bloodskal Barrow, in the reaver tower built outside it)
- In Sachen Ulen: The Ulen Matter (the note found during running Served Cold)
- Kriegserklärung: Declaration of War (the note by the undead General Falx Carius, when you’re running the March of the Dead quest)
- Windstein: Wind Stone
- Tierstein: Beast Stone
- Rieklingkrieger: Riekling Warrior
- Kultistenadept: Cultist Adept
- Tempel von Miraak: Temple of Miraak
- Plünderergesetzloser: Reaver Outlaw
- Machenschaften: Creations, but also machinations (see below)
- Schamane: Shaman
- Baumstein: Tree Stone
- Käfigen: Cages
- Ebenerzzweihänder: Ebony Greatsword
- Tempel von Miraak: Allerheiligstes: Temple of Miraak Sanctum
- Zaubertrank der Kräftigen Heilung: Potion of Vigorous Healing
- Drachenkult: Dragon Cult
- Pilzsporen: Mushroom spore (used by Varona when describing how Neloth built Tel Mithryn)
- Schlüssel zum Tempel von Miraak: Temple of Miraak Key
- Schlüssel erforderlich: Key required
- Essbereich: Dining area
- Geheimgang: Secret passage
- Ruinierte Bücher: Ruined books
- Schwarzes Buch: Wachträume: Black Book: Waking Dreams
- Skaal-Dorf: Skaal Village
- Storn Fels-Schreiter: Storn Crag-Strider
- Piratenkapitän: Pirate Captain
- Todesmal: Deathbrand
- Todesmalschatzkarte: Deathbrand Treasure Map
- Piratenmagier: Pirate Mage
- Pirat: Pirate
- Mehr, Als Du Kauen Kannst: More Than You Can Chew (the quest)
- Holzkohle: Charcoal
- Plünderermarodeur: Reaver Marauder
- Dreckskerl: Bastard, louse, dirty swine (used by the reaver ranting about the treasure in Frossel)
- Schlangendrache: Serpentine Dragon (lit. “snake dragon”)
- Zaubertrank des Wasserwandelns: Potion of Waterwalking
- Frostmondschlucht: Frostmoon Crag
- Altar von Thrond: Altar of Thrond
- Moesringpass: Moesring Pass
- Miraak hat de Drachenseele in sich aufgenommen!:
Miraak can fuck right off thereer, aheh, I mean, Miraak has absorbed the dragon’s soul! - Saerings Wacht: Saering’s Watch
- Willen beugen: Bend Will (the Shout)
- Haknirs Untiefe: Haknir’s Shoal
- Schleicherhüter: Lurker Guardian
- Deor Holzhauer: Deor Woodcutter (of the Skaal)
- Fanari Laute-Stimme: Fanari Strong-Voice (chief of the Skaal)
- Wulf Wild-Blut: Wulf Wild-Blood
- Anführerin: Leader, chief (feminine)
- Schamanenhütte: Shaman’s Hut
- Verbündeter: Ally
- Sonnenstein: Sun Stone
- Baldor Eisen-Former: Baldor Iron-Shaper
- Todesmalhelm: Deathbrand Helm
- Bujolds Zuflucht: Bujold’s Retreat
- Pilzsporen: Mushroom spores
- Schutzvitrine: Protective glass case (used by Neloth to describe where the Black Book in Nchardak is)
- Gesindel: Rabble, riffraff (used by Neloth to describe the reavers at Nchardak)
- Nchardak: Lesezimmer: Nchardak: Reading Room
- Eroberungsversuchen: Conquest attempts (used by Neloth when recounting the history of Nchardak)
- Kontrollwürfel: Control Cube
- Kontrollschalter: Control Switch
- Nchardak: Werkstatt: Nchardak Workshop
- Zwergenspinnenarbeiter: Dwarven Spider Worker
- Wasserpegel: Water level
- Zwergenballistameister: Dwarven Ballista Master
- Nchardak: Große Halle: Nchardak: Great Chamber
- Steinbank: Stone Bench
- Nchardak: Aquädukt: Nchardak: Aqueduct
- Kontrollsockel: Control Base
- Kagrumez-Resonanzedelstein: Kagrumez Resonance Gem
- Dampfzufuhr: Steam supply
- Der Waldmensch: The Gardener of Men (quest) (lit. “the Woodsman”)
- Verbriefter Scharfsinn: Epistolary Acumen (the Black Book)
- Kapitel: Chapter
- Macht des Drachenbluts: Dragonborn Force
- Rieklingspäher: Riekling Scout
- Rieklingkrieger: Riekling Warrior
- Knochenrüstungspanzerhandschuhe (31 characters!): Bonemold Gauntlets
I noticed the Redoran guards calling me “Schuppenhaut”, which appeared to translate to “scale-skin”. I am shocked, shocked I say, that they didn’t like Argonians! Gee, I wonder why? (Spoiler alert: not actually shocked.) And this was definitely a situation of Finds going “Too damned bad!”
While running Miraak’s temple, I noted partway through that the German dialogue was pronouncing “Miraak” as three syllables, not two. This happened most often with Frea, but I noticed it as well with other NPCs. Everyone kept pronouncing it “Mir-a-ak”.
Which was interestingly contradictory, given that everyone was also saying “Skaal” as one syllable, not two.
So not sure what’s up with that pronunciation choice, there. I am of course not a native German speaker, I’m only going by what I know from my studies of the language… but to date, I’ve never seen “aa” as a valid diphthong in German. German does have diphthongs, just not that one. So my best guess here is that the voice actors were taking their best guess as to how to handle that particular diphthong, but wound up just not being consistent about it.
Maybe because in English, even though both words have the double a, “Miraak” and “Skaal” are not actually pronounced quite the same. Miraak sounds like “mir-ack”, a straight up short a in English.
Whereas “Skaal” sounds like saying “scald”, but with a silent d. And the pronunciation of “Skaal” actually sounds pretty close to how German pronounces the letter “a” in words like “Apfel” or “Katze”. So maybe “Skaal” was just easier for the German voice actors to parse?
When I cleared the Sun Stone, one of the freed reavers threw a line I hadn’t heard before, even in English! This was the line, in German:
… blöde Zauberer … Bin nicht gut genug für eure feine Akademie, was?
This translates back to:
… stupid sorcerer … not good enough for your fine academy, huh?
Which is a pretty good match for how the UESP wiki says this line goes in English:
…damn wizards… not good enough for yer precious college, eh?”
So that was fun. This does appear to be an idle line unique to reavers, it’s not present in the list of idle dialogue for mainland bandits! And it’s delightful when Skyrim shows it can still surprise me.
Neloth’s German voice actor explicitly pronounced Nchardak as “enchardak”. As opposed to how it sounds in English, where the pronunciation does its best to smoosh n and ch together into a single sound. So that was an interesting vocal distinction.
The translation of “Schnelle Sturmböe” for Strident Squall has a couple of bits that interest me. First, “Schelle” is “rapid/fast”, whereas the English “Strident” is more “loud/raucous”. So the English name of the shipwreck has that “loud/raucous” connotation, whereas the German name has the connotation of speed. Either of these, I feel, are pretty good to apply to a storm squall.
Now, the word “Strident” in English does have German translations, so this raises the question of why they didn’t use one of those. (Source) In particular, I wonder why they didn’t go with “Schrill” as the translation. But maybe in German, that word is more commonly applied to people’s voices, as opposed to acts of nature?
Meanwhile, I am a trifle confused by “Sturmböe”, too. Because I find references to it spelled with that e on the end, as well as without! And I’m not clear on whether the plural is supposed to be -e or -en, either. (Source) (Source) (Source) (Source)
But, well, there are certainly bunches of words all over the English language that have variant spellings. So I can’t really be surprised that this can happen in German, too.
I had to dig a little to find this, but I did determine that “brach” in German does translate to “fallow”, but it appears to be an older usage? (Source) As I’ve written before, though, that actually kinda tracks for use in translating Skyrim, just to help with the overall feel of the setting.
There’s a small inconsistency in the translations of the three jewelry items you get as part of the Nordic Jewelry quest. In Finds’ run, I got those items at the level that they boost everything by 50 points. But the necklace and ring used “Überragenden” as the translation for “Eminent”, whereas the circlet used “Höchsten”.
Looking up the translation for “Ring des Führens” taught me a thing I didn’t know: that apparently the verb “führen”, which means “to lead”, can also be used to mean “to carry/have/bear”. So clearly, that latter definition is in play here for a Ring of Wielding.
When I found Frea at the Temple of Miraak and she threw her line describing how something has taken control of most of the people of Solstheim, this is how that line went in German:
Es bringt sie dazu, sich selbst zu vergessen und an diesen schrecklichen Machenschaften zu arbeiten, die die Steine und das Land selbst korrumpieren.
Here’s the equivalent line in English:
Something has taken control of most of the people of Solstheim. It makes them forget themselves, and work on these horrible creations that corrupt the Stones, the very land itself.
The part that interests me here is the word “Machenschaften”, in the German version of the line. What sources I use say this word is for what English speakers would call “machinations”, “wheelings and dealings”, or “shenanigans”. And at least for an English speaker, there’s not really a connotation of something being created involved.
And I’m not seeing that looking up the German word, either. (Source) (Source)
But I am not actually going to quibble with this as a word choice, either. Because it’s not at all inappropriate! Frea clearly and correctly believes that some sort of horrible intrigue or plot is going on to subjugate her people, that’s very clear from her English dialogue. So I don’t think the German translators were out of line on this at all.
As a Jeopardy fan, I am obliged to giggle at the last name of the Skaal Deor Woodcutter translating to “Holzhauer”. So I wonder if Deor is nearly as good at Jeopardy as James? Does he gamble?
The quest “The Gardener of Men” is renamed to “Der Waldmensch” in the German build. This is not a direct translation, but it’s also still lore-appropriate! Because it translates to “the woodsman”–and the UESP lore page for Hermaeus Mora includes “the Woodland Man” as one of the many names he has, courtesy of the Bosmer.
Which of course raises the question of why change the translation at all. If I throw “The Gardener of Men” through Reverso’s translation engine, I get “Der Gärtner der Männer”. At first glance, this doesn’t seem like it’d be a problem in terms of length of string for the game UI, certainly. But it’s also possible that the translation team felt like the nuance of Hermaeus Mora being a “gardener of men” (read: an entity who manipulates and cultivates men for his own reasons) might not translate well into German.
I am delighted to report that “Knochenrüstungspanzerhandschuhe”, the translation of “Bonemold Gauntlets”, now sets a record of 31 characters for longest German noun observed in this run.
And that’s an excellent place to conclude the language analysis for this post!
Voice acting commentary
I had to remind myself to not hold it against the German voice actor that he was not Dwight Schultz, LOL. But man, was he doing a different take on the character.
German Neloth sounds actively old. This is not entirely out of line, given that the character is centuries old by the time of Dragonborn; this same character does, after all, also show up in Morrowind.
Other long-lived characters in Skyrim rarely actually sound old, unless Skyrim explicitly classes them as “elders”. But German Skyrim appears to bring in older-sounding voice talent on some of these characters, and I actually really like that, so!
Next time
Finds-The-Way’s playthrough has six more sessions to cover before I can finally finish writing about her! And her next post is going to cover two of those sessions, with more action on Solstheim. Stay tuned!